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Tag Archives: ballona creek

Surfbirds and Turnstones

Significant numbers of both at Ballona yesterday as they’re finally arriving from Alaska heading south to winter. Most will likely continue on to their wintering grounds in Mexico and South America but some of the Turnstone’s and maybe a Surfbird or two will stay the entire winter at Ballona.

One of the Ruddy Turnstones was banded but barely legible when I blow-up the picture. I’m going to send it to the various banding agencies and will post an update here if I find out where and when it was banded.


Ruddy Turnstone
Ruddy Turnstone (banded)

Black-bellied Plover
Black-bellied Plover


Least Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper


Posted by on August 21, 2008 in Photography Adventures

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Three New Photo Birds…

I’ve spent the past couple of days at Ballona. I figured I’d get my fill of it before I leave for Crane Creek, Ohio this Friday. And by the title of this post, you could say I had pretty good luck at that. I heard Barbara Johnson had found a Solitary Sandpiper Monday morning so I decided to try my luck for it that afternoon. I managed to find it amongst lots of Short-billed Dowitchers, Western Sandpipers and Least Sandpipers:

Solitary Sandpiper

And today, I finally managed to track down the ever elusive Red-throated Loon. I only saw him one other time at Ballona Creek…as he was flying away. This time he was extremely cooperative, swam right toward me with perfect lighting:

Red-throated Loon

As I was photographing the Red-throated Loon, a single Clark’s Grebe floated by me with two other Western Grebe’s making that photo bird #3!

Clark's Grebe

Not a new photo bird but I also got some great shots of a Wandering Tattler and Black Turnstone that were creeping along the rocks as I was photographing the Red-throated Loon:

Wandering Tattler

Black Turnstone

A great way to start the week! I can only hope I will have the same luck this week while I’m at Crane Creek….


Posted by on April 29, 2008 in Photography Adventures

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Loons seem to have been moving through in more consistent numbers here at Ballona Creek the past couple of weeks. Common, Red-throated and most recently photographed a Pacific Loon starting to show breeding plumage:

Pacific LoonPacific Loon

A Black Oystercatcher kept playing peek-a-boo with me as I was photographing the Pacific Loon:

Black Oystercatcher

And the Caspian Terns were still chasing each other around as usual!

Caspian Tern

Here’s the rest of the album.


Posted by on April 24, 2008 in Photography Adventures

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Ballona Creek

I headed out to Ballona this afternoon to see what spring migration has brought to the beach. Nothing new but the Terns were out and about dancing and trying to steal each other’s food.

Caspian Tern

Caspian and Elegant Terns

Sanderling’s were in quite large numbers as they’re working their way north toward Alaska and they are starting to show a lot more of their breeding plumage now.


The rest of the images are available here.


Posted by on April 21, 2008 in Photography Adventures

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Eared Grebes

Woke up around 6AM to a beautiful sunny day on the westside so I decided to check out Ballona Creek. The bloody UCLA rowing team was still out there doing laps so not much on the water. The Eared and Horned Grebes breeding plumage colours are coming in nicely though.

Eared Grebe

Horned Grebe


Posted by on April 12, 2008 in Photography Adventures

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