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Tag Archives: denali

Denali National Park, Alaska

The weather started off overcast but by late morning the clouds parted and gave us a bright sunny, almost perfectly clear view of Mt. McKinley! The last time I was at Denali in 1997, it stayed overcast the entire time so this was a great treat.

Mt. McKinley, Denali National Park
Mt. McKinley, Denali National Park

We took the Denali National Park bus to Teklanika River and surprisingly saw NO Grizzly Bears! But up close looks at an Arctic Lynx was and extremely cool opportunity. It was the first time I’ve ever seen one in the wild.

Canadian Lynx
Canadian Lynx

Dall Sheep
Dall Sheep


Willow Ptarmigan
Willow Ptarmigan

Hoary Marmot
Hoary Marmot


Posted by on May 26, 2012 in Photography Adventures

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