Spent the day driving around the perimeter of Saint Paul Island. Wasn’t hard, considering the island is only 6 miles by 12 miles in size. Highlights included a Wood Sandpiper I found at one of the lagoons that had managed to thaw out. A new ABA photo bird, since I’d previously only photographed them in Thailand.

Pribs Map
There were a few Emperor Geese at various spots around the island, ubiquitous Lapland Longspurs, Rock Sandpipers and Red-necked Phalaropes just about everywhere you look. A couple Caribou managed to survive the winter without starving to death or being hunted by the natives.


Semipalmated Plover

Red Phalarope

Harlequin Duck

Red-necked Phalarope

Lapland Longspur

Emperor Goose

Wood Sandpiper

Long-tailed Duck
We concluded the day by having fresh Halibut chowder with a native family. Chuck was the one that rented me several of his vehicles since the normal guy you go to for a vehicle had rented all of his out. Chuck was an extremely gracious host and had a super family.

Me with Chuck’s Family
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