A bit of a scare leaving Anchorage, when Peninsula Air notified us that they had to “bump 200 lbs of luggage” onto tomorrow’s flight so that they could take off. We had no clue if our luggage would arrive or not. Fortunately, it was all there when we landed in Saint Paul! There was also no security screening when leaving from Anchorage to Saint Paul. Gotta love flying around in Alaska!
Spent the first day getting our bearings together, figuring out our transportation situation and getting groceries. This small island of 350 native Aleuts only has one grocery store and no restaurants.

Did get some late afternoon photography in. Arctic Foxes were everywhere. Ticked off photos of the GIANT Pribilof Island subspecies of Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, along with Rock Sandpiper and Pacific Wren.

Arctic Fox

Rock Sandpiper (pribilofs sp.)

Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (pribilofs sp.)

Pacific Wren (pribilofs sp.)

Northern Fur Seal