I started early Thursday morning looking for the Brant on Ballona Cr. – No luck. I then decided to mix things up a bit by looking for the wintering Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at Lindberg Park in Culver City. Although I never found the Sapsucker, I found many White-throated Swifts, Northern Rough-winged, Cliff and Tree Swallows circling above the park. It’s always a challenge to capture fast moving Swallows and Swifts but I managed to come out with a few new, half decent photos.

White-throated Swift
Today a report of a “possible” Laysan Albatross circling the Ballona Wetlands came through the wire. Soon as I heard I threw my camera on the passenger seat of my car and headed out. Not even a few blocks from my house, an accipiter zipped across the road and landed in a tree at virtually eye-level. I pulled over really quick and ended up snapping FULL-FRAME photos of an adult Cooper’s Hawk!

Cooper’s Hawk