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Tag Archives: sea lion

Ivory Gull UPDATE: Sunday, Nov 7

I’ve received word that the Ivory Gull is still being seen this Sunday morning. Apparently there is not much meat left on the seal/pinniped carcass so chances are this may be the last day anyone sees the Ivory Gull before it moves on. Get out there and see it today folks!!

Ivory Gull
Curious beach-goers observe the Ivory Gull

UPDATE: Brad Schram reports that Wes Fritz just told him that this morning the adult IVORY GULL is cycling back and forth between the original seal carcass on the beach at the end of Grand Avenue (Pismo Beach) and a second seal carcass beneath the Kon Tiki Hotel in north Pismo Beach, near the wooden steps down to the beach. A Google map request will pinpoint the Kon Tiki.

The new carcass is good news, maybe predicting a longer stay–the original carcass is past its sell-by date.

Ivory Gull
Close up fly by the Ivory Gull


Posted by on November 7, 2010 in Photography Adventures

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Galápagos Video Footage

Still working on all of my images and video footage from our trip and just put 7 videos up on Youtube. Most of them are from snorkeling footage – you can check them out here:

Galápagos Penguins

Galápagos Sea Lion

Galápagos Fish

White-tipped Reef Shark

Spotted Eagle Rays

Great Frigatebirds

Swallow-tailed Gulls


Posted by on May 28, 2008 in Photography Adventures

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