There is now a reported Bean Goose at Unit One of the Sonny Bono Salton Sea NWR on Vendel Road. Paul Lehman adds this note:
“To add to what Bob Miller posted, a single photo of this bird was sent to Guy McCaskie this afternoon around 3PM, and then forwarded to me and many others. It appears to be a Bean Goose, and based on the bill shape I would say it likely a Taiga Bean-Goose (“Middendorff’s”) rather than a Tundra Bean-Goose. Both species (recently split just a couple years ago) have occurred in Alaska, and at least Middendorff’s has also occurred in southern Canada and the Lower 48 states several times.”
Here is the photo that Al Kalin took of the bird:

“Taiga” Bean Goose @ Salton Sea