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Tag Archives: Los Angeles

White Wagtail (M.a. ocularis)

So keeping up with the theme of California rarities, a White Wagtail was found by Bernardo Alps at Cabrillo Beach in San Pedro by Bernardo Alps while we were in Sacramento. Another bird that should probably be somewhere in Japan at this time of year. In fact, I was photographing them two years ago around this exact same time at a park in Tokyo. I kept my fingers crossed the bird would stick around a few days for me to get home from Sacramento to go look for the bird and as you can see, that it did.

White Wagtail
White Wagtail

White Wagtail
White Wagtail

White Wagtail
White Wagtail


Posted by on December 10, 2012 in Photography Adventures

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Space Shuttle Endeavour – The Final Flight

Today, those of us in the Los Angeles and San Francisco area were treated a spectacular final display (or parade if you will) of the Space Shuttle Endeavour. It took off from Edwards AFB in Palmdale bound for the Bay Area where it toured around the Golden Gate Bridge and the Silicon Valley before heading back to Southern California.

Endeavour Space Shuttle
Endeavour Space Shuttle

It approached Los Angeles from Malibu, flying over the Getty Center, Santa Monica, Venice Beach heading east past the Hollywood sign, over Griffith Park and onward to NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena where it made a massive arcing turn and headed south toward Orange County. It did fly by’s over Disneyland, Boeing in Seal Beach, over Huntington Beach and back toward LA where it came to the end of its final flight at LAX.

Endeavour Space Shuttle
Endeavour Space Shuttle

It will soon be moved to the California Science Center in Downtown Los Angeles where it will be put on display (vertically) for everyone to enjoy.


Posted by on September 21, 2012 in Photography Adventures

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Field Sparrow @ Kenneth Hahn State Park

A Field Sparrow was found by Eric and Ann Brooks @ Kenneth Hahn State Park in Los Angeles. I raced over there this morning to photograph this eastern vagrant.

Field Sparrow
Field Sparrow

Field Sparrow
Field Sparrow


Posted by on April 27, 2012 in Photography Adventures

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Malibu Lagoon – Lesser Black-backed Gull?

I headed over to Malibu Lagoon State Beach after Todd McGrath reported a 1st cycle Lesser Black-backed Gull on Sunday. I never found the bird, nor did Todd and others that looked on Monday, but I did get some nice crackers of Mew, Glaucous-winged, Bonaparte’s Gull and other goodies.

There were well over 300 gulls on the beach, the most numerous being California and Western, Ring-billed, Glaucous-winged, Bonaparte’s, Mew, Thayer’s in order of magnitude. I counted 25 Snowy Plovers along the Lagoon and many of the other usual suspects.

Snowy Plover
Snowy Plover

Mew Gull
Mew Gull

Bonaparte's Gull
Bonaparte’s Gull

Glaucous-winged Gull
Glaucous-winged Gull

Western Gull
Western Gull exhibiting very “yellow” legs

American Crow
American Crow

Snowy Egret
Snowy Egret

Glaucous-winged Western Gull
Glaucous-winged Gull (left), Western Gull (right)


Posted by on February 21, 2012 in Photography Adventures

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Rescued a Brandt’s Cormorant!

Did my good deed for the week! I encountered a Brandt’s Cormorant all tangled up in fishing line whilst photographing at Ballona Creek this past weekend. I text’d Peter Wallerstein with LA Marine Animal Rescue and he responded immediately at the scene 15 minutes later! I took a short little video of Peter netting the Cormorant:

Peter capturing the Brandt’s Cormorant

The happy Brandt’s Cormorant after Peter freed it from the fishing line wrapped all around its body and wings:

Brandt's Cormorant
Brandt’s Cormorant

I was rewarded later in the afternoon by getting up close and personal with a beautiful Brant. Probably one of the cleanest Brants I’ve encountered in Southern California.



Posted by on February 9, 2012 in Photography Adventures

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