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Tag Archives: grizzly

Nome, Alaska – Kougarok Road

Pretty much only one target species. Bristle-thighed Curlew. 75 miles from Nome, in the thick of Grizzly Bear country. Fortunately, 0 Bears and 2 Bristle-thighed Curlew.

Bristle-thighed Curlew
Bristle-thighed Curlew

Muskox, Caribou were quite abundant. Had a Red Fox being foxy as well.

Red Fox
Red Fox


A Long-tailed Jaeger and Rough-legged Hawk quarreling. Managed to capture shots of the Rough-legged Hawk flipping around mid-air while the Jaeger was diving and harassing him.

Rough-legged Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk

Can you spot the Willow Ptarmigan? How about our rental car? I took this with my iPhone…about 2 feet from the Ptarmigan!

Ptarmigan Car
Ptarmigan Car

Other Nome specialties, Northern Wheatear, Eastern Yellow Wagtail, gorgeous alt. plumaged Black-bellied Plovers and the rest of the usual suspects!

Northern Wheatear
Northern Wheatear

Black-bellied Plover
Black-bellied Plover

Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Eastern Yellow Wagtail

Long-tailed Jaeger
Long-tailed Jaeger

Long-tailed Duck
Long-tailed Duck

Rock Ptarmigan
Rock Ptarmigan

Common Snipe
Common Snipe

Common Redpoll
Common Redpoll

Western Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper

Pectoral Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper


Posted by on June 5, 2012 in Photography Adventures

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