And our Alaska trip is concluded with Barrow. Target species? Spectacled Eider, King Eider and Steller’s Eider of course!!

Spectacled Eider

King Eider

Steller’s Eider
Of course, this also the best place in the world to photograph breeding plumage Red Phalaropes.

Red Phalarope
What would a trip to Barrow be without Snowy Owls?

Barrow, Alaska

Snowy Owl
Crippling adult Glaucous Gulls! Snow Buntings! Dunlin! Long-billed Dowitcher!

Glaucous Gull

Snow Bunting


Long-billed Dowitcher

Tundra Swan


Pectoral Sandpiper
Sara on the edge of the Arctic ice shelf. Yep, still completely frozen in June!

Sara in Barrow