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app | kiwifoto.com

Tag Archives: app

Kiwifoto.com iPhone App!

Kiwifoto iPhone App
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I’ve been putting the finishing touches on my new iPhone (web)App and it’s about ready to launch to the public. If you have an iPhone, go to this link:


If you go to that link on any other device (ie. desktop, iPad, Android) it will still load the original website. I have optimized it a bit to load faster and more efficiently on mobile devices, but so far I only designed a specific application for iPhones.

Kiwifoto iPhone App
Add to Home Screen

When it loads in Safari on your iPhone, click the “+’ button on the bottom and select “Add to Home Screen”. This will place an icon on your iPhone desktop labelled “Kiwifoto.com”. While you can still run the application within Safari, this will provide a more complete, full screen experience of the Kiwifoto.com application.

Kiwifoto iPhone App
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So what features have I implemented thus far? For one, you can browse all recent photographs I have taken by selection “What’s New?” from the home screen. This will order all species photographed in descending, chronological order.

Kiwifoto iPhone App
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Additionally, all videos I have taken will appear in a consolidated “Video” tab where you can view them in full 1080p HD quality right from the application!

Kiwifoto iPhone App
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I have also included the entire database of ALL bird species in the world. You can query this via searching by the species “Common” name or by it’s “Latin” or “Scientific” name. (ie. Sandpiper vs. Calidris). When photographs of the bird are available, they will be displayed along with a button to play audio of the call. Note: playing video or audio will NOT leave the application. They will be played inline, seamlessly!

Kiwifoto iPhone App
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So what’s the future of the application? Well, I want to integrate it more seamlessly with Twitter, RBA’s and GPS. This will provide one consolidated location to find out where and when birds are being seen. As well as providing a direct path to getting you from your mobile location to where the bird is. It’s all just scattered code in my brain right now. I will be toying around with different ideas of how to implement it over the coming days. For now, enjoy the existing features and please let me know of any bugs in the app. Or if you have any ideas for future improvements!


Posted by on November 19, 2010 in Photography Adventures


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IBM launches iPhone app to monitor California creeks!

IBM has just released a pretty neat iPhone app to help monitor water conditions and levels of California creeks. Creek Watch is completely free and allows anyone to report their photos and observations based on GPS coordinates.

IBM designed the app to make it as easy as possible for local residents and visitors to contribute productively to the management of the state’s ecosystem, and to do so without any expert knowledge.

“Creek Watch lets the average citizen contribute to the health of their water supply — without PhDs, chemistry kits and a lot of time. Harnessing the crowdsourced data movement for a cause people care about is a win-win-win for citizens, local water boards, and IBM’s desire to solve big data challenges.”

I often find myself photographing in the field along creek beds around Southern California so I will certainly by contributing to this great effort.


Posted by on November 4, 2010 in Photography Adventures

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