The Danini Booby (Sula (dactylatra) tasmani) was a large seabird of the gannet family, Sulidae, described from bones found on Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands in the Tasman Sea (van Tets et al 1988). It was believed to have become extinct in the late 18th Century or early 19th Century on Lord Howe Island because of predation by visiting sailors, with the last sight record dating from 1788, when it was already extinct on Norfolk Island.
However, this taxon has more recently (Priddel et al 2005) been considered to be a subspecies of the Masked Booby, Sula dactylatra tasmani, still extant as a breeding species on Lord Howe Island. Holdaway & Anderson (2001) attribute subfossil material from Norfolk Island simply to Sula dactylatra.