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Blue-footed Booby [Sula nebouxii]
The Blue-footed Booby (Sula nebouxii) is a bird in the Sulidae family which comprises ten species of long-winged seabirds.The name “booby” comes from the Spanish term bobo, which means \"stupid fellow\". This is because the Blue-footed Booby is clumsy on...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/blue_footed_booby/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Brown Booby [Sula leucogaster]
The Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) is a large seabird of the gannet family, Sulidae. The adult brown booby reaches about 76 cm. (30 in.) in length. Its head and upper body are covered in dark brown, with the remainder being a contrasting white. The juveni...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/brown_booby/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Masked Booby [Sula dactylatra]
The Masked Booby, Sula dactylatra, is a large seabird of the gannet family, Sulidae. This species breeds on islands in tropical oceans, except in the eastern Atlantic; in the eastern Pacific it is replaced by the Nazca Booby, Sula granti, which was former...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/masked_booby/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Nazca Booby [Sula granti]
The Nazca Booby, Sula granti, is a booby which is found in the eastern Pacific Ocean, namely on the Galápagos Islands where it can be seen by eco-tourists, and on Clipperton Island. The Revillagigedo Islands off Baja California which possibly constitute i...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/nazca_booby/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Northern Gannet [Morus bassanus]
The Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus, formerly Sula bassana) is a large seabird of the gannet family, Sulidae. Young birds are dark brown in their first year, and gradually acquire more white in subsequent seasons until they reach maturity after five years...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/northern_gannet/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Red-footed Booby [Sula sula]
The Red-footed Booby, Sula sula, is a large seabird of the gannet family, Sulidae. They are powerful and agile fliers, but they are clumsy in takeoffs and landings.It's the smallest of all boobies, at 71 cm in length and a 137 cm wingspan. It has red legs...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/red_footed_booby/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017