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 Month/Year Breakdown (Top 15):

 Dec, 2016 - 16 e-mail(s)...
 Jan, 2018 - 15 e-mail(s)...
 Aug, 2018 - 15 e-mail(s)...
 Nov, 2012 - 11 e-mail(s)...
 Dec, 2018 - 11 e-mail(s)...
 Dec, 2017 - 10 e-mail(s)...
 Oct, 2018 - 10 e-mail(s)...
 Aug, 2016 - 9 e-mail(s)...
 Aug, 2019 - 9 e-mail(s)...
 Dec, 2020 - 8 e-mail(s)...
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 Oct, 2017 - 7 e-mail(s)...
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 Oct, 2019 - 7 e-mail(s)...
 Aug, 2021 - 7 e-mail(s)...

   Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
Nyctanassa violacea

   Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Nyctanassa violacea) - YCNH (recent eBird sightings, view CBRC records, range map

  1. Orange County RBA: May 18, 2023 LINK
    DATE: May 18, 2023 @ 12:20pm, 2 year(s) ago
    * California * Orange County * May 18, 2023 * CAOC23.05.18
    This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... .
    Long-tailed Duck Brown Booby Neotropic Cormorant Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Vermilion Flycatcher Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Townsends Solitaire White-throated Sparrow Bells Sparrow Black-and-white Warbler Rose-breasted Grosbeak
    A LONG-TAILED DUCK was found sitting onshore at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach on May 12 and continued through to May 18, where it has been repeatedly documented on the spit of land coming east of the walkbridge from PCH.
    BROWN BOOBIES were reported offshore on May 13 and May 14.
    An immature NEOTROPIC CORMORANT continued at Pond 1 at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine through May 14.
    YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS were reported from usual locations this week at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach and Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve in Newport Beach.
    An adult male VERMILION FLYCATCHER at the Dana Point Headlands on May 16 was a good patch bird.
    A BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER recorded at Laguna Coast Wilderness Park on May 12 was part of a small population that apparently breeds in the San Joaquin Hills.
    A TOWNSENDS SOLITAIRE was observed at Alta Laguna Park in Laguna Beach on May 13.
    Yet another WHITE-THROATED SPARROW was found this last week, with one at the parking lot at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach on May 13.
    Its May, which means that Orange County birders flock up Coal Canyon in the Santa Ana Mountains foothills to tick off their Bells Sparrow for the year (April is for Silverado Canyon). Reports of this species continued this week.
    A BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER was photographed along the Sycamore Creek Trail just north of Del Obispo Park in Dana Point on May 13.
    ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAKS were at Canyon Park in Costa Mesa on May 12, residential Laguna Niguel on May 14, and the Agua Chinon Trail in Irvine on May 15.
    For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website:
    The next Bolsa Chica Wetlands walk will take place on May 18 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The next Carbon Canyon Regional Park bird walk will take place on May 21 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The new Upper Newport Bay bird walk will take place on May 28 from 8:00am to 11:00am.
    None just yet but an advanced shorebirds class is planned for this spring...
    The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds.
    Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them.
    Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA
    Ryan Winkleman
    Rancho Santa Margarita
  2. -back to top-
  3. Orange County RBA: September 8, 2022 LINK
    DATE: Sep 8, 2022 @ 1:09pm, 2 year(s) ago
    * California * Orange County * September 8, 2022 * CAOC22.09.08
    This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... .
    White-winged Dove Bairds Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Neotropic Cormorant Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Zone-tailed Hawk Purple Martin Bank Swallow Green-tailed Towhee Orchard Oriole Northern Waterthrush American Redstart
    A WHITE-WINGED DOVE was photographed at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine on September 2.
    Two BAIRDS SANDPIPER were photographed at the Newland Marsh in Huntington Beach on September 5.
    At least three PECTORAL SANDPIPERS were photographed in Pond D of San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine on September 7, with two continuing into September 8.
    At least two Neotropic Cormorants were on the Pond 1 island over the last week.
    A YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON was on Pond B of San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine on September 3, with another (the same) reported at the UCI Marsh across the street on September 7.
    A ZONE-TAILED HAWK was observed several times this week flying over the Serrano Creek Trail in Lake Forest.
    Between one and three adult male PURPLE MARTINS were reported at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine on September 2.
    BANK SWALLOWS were reported this week from the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary and the UCI Marsh in Irvine.
    A GREEN-TAILED TOWHEE was reported from Fairview Park in Costa Mesa on September 7.
    An ORCHARD ORIOLE was photographed at Huntington Central Park at the east end of the island on September 1.
    A NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH continued at the Talbert Lake area at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach through September 6.
    Female-type AMERICAN REDSTARTS were in residential Laguna Niguel on September 3 and by the Huntington Central Park amphitheater on September 7.
    For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website:
    The next bird walk at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine will take place on September 11 from 8:00am to 11:00am.
    The next bird walk at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach will take place on September 15 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The next bird walk at Carbon Canyon Regional Park in Brea will take place on September 18 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The next Upper Newport Bay pontoon boat trip will be on September 21 from 8:15am to 11:45am.
    Sylvia Gallaghers Birds of Southern California introductory visual workshop will begin this October. Enrollment is NOW OPEN. Refer here for more info: .
    The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds.
    Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them.
    Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA
    Ryan Winkleman
    Rancho Santa Margarita
  4. -back to top-
  5. Orange County RBA: September 1, 2022 LINK
    DATE: Sep 1, 2022 @ 3:14pm, 2 year(s) ago
    * California * Orange County * September 1, 2022 * CAOC22.09.01
    This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... .
    Bairds Sandpiper Red-billed Tropicbird Reddish Egret Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Zone-tailed Hawk Gray Flycatcher Cassins Vireo Purple Martin Northern Waterthrush Indigo Bunting
    A BAIRDS SANDPIPER was at Bolsa Chica Wetlands in Huntington Beach on August 31. Seen in the back area around the oil fields off of Springdale.
    A RED-BILLED TROPICBIRD (not a White-tailed Tropicbird, for which there is only one California record and it just so happened to be in Orange County!) was photographed at sea about 1 mile off Dana Point on August 27.
    A REDDISH EGRET was a quick and rare sighting at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary on August 28. Seen on Pond 1.
    YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued at many locations this past week including Dana Point Harbor, Upper Newport Bay, and the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary.
    A juvenile ZONE-TAILED HAWK was at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on August 27.
    A GRAY FLYCATCHER continued around the area of the secret garden at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on August 27 and apparently also on August 26.
    A CASSINS VIREO was reported at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on September 1.
    An adult male PURPLE MARTIN was photographed flying over Mason Regional Park in Irvine on August 25.
    A NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH continued at the Talbert Lake area at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach through September 1. There was one report of two birds present simultaneously.
    A female-type INDIGO BUNTING was present at Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley on August 29.
    For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website:
    The next bird walk at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine will take place on September 11 from 8:00am to 11:00am.
    The next bird walk at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach will take place on September 15 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The next bird walk at Carbon Canyon Regional Park in Brea will take place on September 18 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The next Upper Newport Bay pontoon boat trip will be on September 21 from 8:15am to 11:45am.
    Sylvia Gallaghers Birds of Southern California introductory visual workshop will begin this October, with enrollment beginning in September. Refer here for more info: .
    The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds.
    Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them.
    Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA
    Jeff Bray
    Irvine, CA
  6. -back to top-
  7. Orange County RBA: August 25, 2022 LINK
    DATE: Aug 25, 2022 @ 11:10pm, 2 year(s) ago
    * California * Orange County * August 25, 2022 * CAOC22.08.25
    This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... .
    Pacific Golden-Plover Bairds Sandpiper Pigeon Guillemot Neotropic Cormorant Cattle Egret Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Gray Flycatcher Northern Waterthrush Painted Bunting
    A PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER continued at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve through August 22.
    A BAIRDS SANDPIPER was photographed in the wetlands below Harriett Wieder Regional Park in Huntington Beach.
    A PIGEON GUILLEMOT was photographed off the Newport Pier in (where else) Newport Beach on August 19. This is the time to catch this species off the coast, but frankly, if you missed that bird that hung around forever at the pier last year, good luck!!!! An *adult* NEOTROPIC CORMORANT was photographed on the Pond 1 island at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine on August 22. A CATTLE EGRET was on Pond 1 at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary on August 19.
    YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued at many locations this past week including Dana Point Harbor, Upper Newport Bay, and the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary. A GRAY FLYCATCHER was found around the area of the secret garden at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on August 25. Presumably one of the continuing NORTHERN WATERTHRUSHES returned to the Talbert Lake area at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach and was present from August 22 to August 25.
    A female-type PAINTED BUNTING was present at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on August 23. It was first found in the morning by the island, then refound a few hours later by the Park Bench Cafe.
    For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website:
    The next Upper Newport Bay bird walk will be on August 28 from 8:00am to 11:00am.
    The next bird walk at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine will take place on September 11 from 8:00am to 11:00am. The next bird walk at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach will take place on September 15 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The next bird walk at Carbon Canyon Regional Park in Brea will take place on September 18 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The next Upper Newport Bay pontoon boat trip will be on September 21 from 8:15am to 11:45am.
    Sylvia Gallaghers Birds of Southern California introductory visual workshop will begin this October, with enrollment beginning in September. Refer here for more info: .
    The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds.
    Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them.
    Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA
    Ryan Winkleman
    Rancho Santa Margarita
  8. -back to top-
  9. Orange County RBA: August 18, 2022 LINK
    DATE: Aug 18, 2022 @ 11:47am, 2 year(s) ago
    * California * Orange County * August 18, 2022 * CAOC22.08.18
    This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... .
    White-winged Dove Pacific Golden-Plover Stilt Sandpiper Long-tailed Jaeger (Pelagic Trip) Craveris Murrelet (Pelagic Trip) Sabines Gull (Pelagic Trip) Leachs Storm-Petrel (Pelagic Trip) Ashy Storm-Petrel (Pelagic Trip) Least Storm-Petrel (Pelagic Trip) Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
    A WHITE-WINGED DOVE was at Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley on August 17.
    A PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER continued at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve through August 17.
    A STILT SANDPIPER made a one-day stop at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine on August 16 on Pond C. Given that these first three entries were all found and shared by Tom Wurster, I would hope that all the year listers and county listers are taking the time to thank him for always being quick to share rarities. Year after year Tom shares numerous rarities with the rest of the listserv, and Im sure there are countless birds that he has helped people check off on their various lists.
    Five LONG-TAILED JAEGERS were seen on the summer pelagic trip out of Dana Point Harbor on August 13.
    Four CRAVERIS MURRELETS were seen on the summer pelagic trip out of Dana Point Harbor on August 13.
    Thirteen SABINES GULLS were seen on the summer pelagic trip out of Dana Point Harbor on August 13.
    Seven LEACHS STORM-PETRELS, an exceptional number for a species that we dont have many records of (but also in an exceptional season for storm-petrels), were seen on the summer pelagic trip out of Dana Point Harbor on August 13.
    Five ASHY STORM-PETRELS were seen on the summer pelagic trip out of Dana Point Harbor on August 13.
    Two LEAST STORM-PETRELS, another species not not seen in most years, were seen on the summer pelagic trip out of Dana Point Harbor on August 13.
    YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued at many locations this past week including Dana Point Harbor, Mason Regional Park in Irvine, and the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach. A juvenile was also photographed in Seal Beach.
    For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website:
    The next bird walk at Anaheim Coves in Anaheim will take place on August 21 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The next Upper Newport Bay pontoon boat trip on August 24 is currently full, but you can email Nancy to get on the waiting list.
    The next Upper Newport Bay bird walk will be on August 28 from 8:00am to 11:00am.
    The next bird walk at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine will take place on September 11 from 8:00am to 11:00am.
    None at this time.
    The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds.
    Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them.
    Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA
    Jeff Bray
    Irvine, CA
  10. -back to top-
  11. Orange County RBA: August 11, 2022 LINK
    DATE: Aug 11, 2022 @ 1:09pm, 2 year(s) ago
    RBA * California * Orange County * August 11, 2022 * CAOC22.08.11 This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... . BIRDS MENTIONED Pacific Golden-Plover Semipalmated Sandpiper Red Phalarope Long-tailed Jaeger Townsends Storm-Petrel Ashy Storm-Petrel Neotropic Cormorant Yellow-crowned Night-Heron A PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER was photographed at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve on August 10, with two birds present the morning of August 11 in the fenced nesting area. A SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER was briefly at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine on August 11. Note that this species is frequently misidentified with Western Sandpipers with stubbier, shorter bills. Look for a bird with a short, straight bill; prominent supercilium; and lacking any of the rufous tones on the upperparts. A RED PHALAROPE continued at Talbert Marsh in Huntington Beach on August 6, with another at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve on August 10. At least two LONG-TAILED JAEGERS were photographed on an offshore pelagic trip on August 5. Two TOWNSENDS STORM-PETRELS were reported offshore on August 5. Photographs are under review by a panel of experts. If either bird is accepted, this would be a first county record for Orange County. Multiple ASHY STORM-PETRELS were reported on a pelagic trip on August 5. NEOTROPIC CORMORANTS continued to be reported at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary. Please continue to try and document these sightings with photographs when possible, I dont think were quite at the point yet where we can inherently trust text-only descriptions of this species given the often less-than-ideal viewing conditions. YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued at many locations this past week including Dana Point Harbor, Mason Regional Park in Irvine, and the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach. LOCAL EVENTS For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website: ** As a reminder, all field trips continue to require reservations in advance and proof of full Covid-19 vaccination. Email nancykenyon@... to make a reservation or get on the waitlist. The summer pelagic trip will take place on August 13, and is full. The next bird walk at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine will take place on August 14 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The next bird walk at Anaheim Coves in Anaheim will take place on August 21 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The next Upper Newport Bay pontoon boat trip on August 24 is currently full, but you can email Nancy to get on the waiting list. The next Upper Newport Bay bird walk will be on August 28 from 8:00am to 11:00am. BIRDING WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES None at this time. **************************************************** The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds. Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them. Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA
    Ryan Winkleman
    Rancho Santa Margarita
  12. -back to top-
  13. Orange County RBA: August 5, 2022 LINK
    DATE: Aug 5, 2022 @ 4:35pm, 3 year(s) ago
    * California
    * Orange County
    * August 5, 2022
    * CAOC22.08.05
    This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... .
    Red Phalarope
    Solitary Sandpiper
    Long-tailed Jaeger
    Leachs Storm-Petrel
    Ashy Storm-Petrel
    Neotropic Cormorant
    Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
    Yellow-headed Blackbird
    Summer Tanager
    A SURFBIRD was an unexpected surprise at Bolsa Chica Wetlands in Huntington Beach on July 31.
    A RED PHALAROPE was on land at Talbert Marsh in Huntington Beach on August 1.
    Two SOLITARY SANDPIPERS were at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine on July 30, with another (same) reported on August 5.
    A LONG-TAILED JAEGER was photographed on an offshore pelagic trip that took place on July 31.
    A LEACHS STORM-PETREL was reported from an offshore pelagic trip that took place on July 31.
    An ASHY STORM-PETREL was photographed from an offshore pelagic trip that took place on July 31.
    NEOTROPIC CORMORANTS continued to be seen at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine through August 5. Two were photographed together in the San Diego Creek, adjacent to Pond 2. Please continue to try and document these sightings with photographs when possible.
    YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued at many locations this past week. Dana Point Harbor, Mason Regional Park in Irvine and in Newport Back Bay.
    A YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD was reported from Bolsa Chica Interpretive Center in Huntington Beach on August 4.
    An adult male SUMMER TANAGER was at Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley on July 31 and continued through August 2.
    For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website:
    ** As a reminder, all field trips continue to require reservations in advance and proof of full Covid-19 vaccination. Email nancykenyon@... to make a reservation or get on the waitlist.
    The summer pelagic trip will take place on August 13.
    The next bird walk at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine will take place on August 14 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The next bird walk at Anaheim Coves in Anaheim will take place on August 21 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The next Upper Newport Bay pontoon boat trip on August 24 is currently full, but you can email Nancy to get on the waiting list.
    None at this time.
    The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds.
    Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them.
    Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA
    Jeff Bray
    Irvine, CA
  14. -back to top-
  15. Orange County RBA: July 28, 2022 LINK
    DATE: Jul 28, 2022 @ 5:03pm, 3 year(s) ago
    * California * Orange County * July 28, 2022 * CAOC22.07.28
    This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert ( RBA ) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... .
    Common Murre Neotropic Cormorant Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Summer Tanager
    A COMMON MURRE seen from the Newport Pier on July 23 was unseasonal and unexpected in July.
    A potential NEOTROPIC CORMORANT was photographed again at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine on July 26.
    A near-adult YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON continued in the San Diego Creek in Irvine on July 22, and a hatch-year bird was in Talbert Lake south of the Park Bench Cafe at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on July 24.
    An immature male SUMMER TANAGER photographed at Crystal Cove State Park near the beach was unexpected, but not unprecedented, for this time of year.
    For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website:
    ** As a reminder, all field trips continue to require reservations in advance and proof of full Covid-19 vaccination. Email nancykenyon@... to make a reservation or get on the waitlist.
    The next bird walk at Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach will take place on July 31 from 8:00am to 11:00am.
    The summer pelagic trip will take place on August 13.
    The next bird walk at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine will take place on August 14 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The next bird walk at Anaheim Coves in Anaheim will take place on August 21 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The next Upper Newport Bay pontoon boat trip on August 24 is currently full, but you can email Nancy to get on the waiting list.
    None at this time.
    The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds.
    Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them.
    Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. # RBA
    Ryan Winkleman
    Rancho Santa Margarita
  16. -back to top-
  17. Orange County RBA: July 21, 2022 LINK
    DATE: Jul 21, 2022 @ 2:15pm, 3 year(s) ago
    * California * Orange County * July 21, 2022 * CAOC22.07.21
    This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... .
    Ruff Laysan Albatross Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
    Our beloved OC RUFF has returned along the Upper Santa Ana River in Anaheim generally between Lakeview and the Imperial Highway. This year, it arrived on July 16 and has continued to be seen through at least July 19 (last eBird report). This is a bird that returns to this location every year in mid- to late summer. It likes to hang out with the dowitchers. This is the earliest it has returned by 5 days. See the list below for the pastdates of this returning bird each year, with the expectation of 2015 when it decided to stay in San Bernardino Co.
    Previous years sightings of this bird from eBird: 2013/08/29 - 2013/09/19 2014/07/24 - 2014/09/26 2015 - No reports in OC, but bird was likely in San Bernardino this year 2016/08/13 - 2016/09/23 2017/08/16 - 2017/10/20 2018/08/11 - 2018/09/20 2019/08/03 - 2019/09/29 2020/07/21 - 2020/09/22 2021/08/13 - 2021/09/20 2022/07/16 - 2022//
    A LAYSAN ALBATROSS was photographed from a whale watching boat about 6 miles off Newport Beach on July 21. Oddly enough, the last documented report of a Laysan Albatross was 5 years ago to the day, near the oil rigs.
    A YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON continued in Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach, where they are presumably breeding somewhere. Two adults were also seen in the San Diego Creek in Irvine on July 15, adjacent to Pond 2 at San Joaquin Marsh. A Juvenile bird was seen on the jetties of Newport Harbor on July 21.
    For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website:
    ** As a reminder, all field trips continue to require reservations in advance and proof of full Covid-19 vaccination. Email nancykenyon@... to make a reservation or get on the waitlist.
    The next bird walk at Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach will take place on July 31 from 8:00am to 11:00am.
    The summer pelagic trip will take place on August 13.
    The next bird walk at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine will take place on August 14 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The next bird walk at Anaheim Coves in Anaheim will take place on August 21 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    None at this time.
    The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds.
    Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them.
    Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA
    Jeff Bray
    Irvine, CA
  18. -back to top-
  19. Orange County RBA: July 7, 2022 LINK
    DATE: Jul 7, 2022 @ 5:12pm, 3 year(s) ago
    * California * Orange County * July 7, 2022 * CAOC22.07.07
    This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert ( RBA ) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... .
    Neotropic Cormorant
    Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
    NEOTROPIC CORMORANTS continued to be reported at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine on Pond 1 and in San Diego Creek this week.
    YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued in Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach, where they are presumably breeding somewhere.
    For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website:
    ** As a reminder, all field trips continue to require reservations in advance and proof of full Covid-19 vaccination. Email nancykenyon@... to make a reservation or get on the waitlist.
    The next bird walk at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine will take place on July 10 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The next bird walk at Carbon Canyon Regional Park in Brea will take place on July 17 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The next bird walk at Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach will take place on July 31 from 8:00am to 11:00am.
    The summer pelagic trip will take place on August 13.
    None at this time.
    The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds.
    Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them.
    Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. # RBA
    Ryan Winkleman
    Rancho Santa Margarita
  20. -back to top-
  21. Orange County RBA: July 1, 2022 LINK
    DATE: Jul 1, 2022 @ 6:03pm, 3 year(s) ago
    * California * Orange County * July 1, 2022 * CAOC22.07.01
    This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... .
    Manx Shearwater Neotropic Cormorant Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Tennessee Warbler
    A MANX SHEARWATER was photographed on a pelagic trip out of Dana Point on June 24.
    A possible NEOTROPIC CORMORANT was photographed at Carl Thornton Park in Santa Ana on June 30.
    YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued in Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach through June 30. Any evidence of breeding should be reported directly to Ryan so that he can keep track for the county records (thanks in advance).
    A TENNESSEE WARBLER was photographed in residential Huntington Beach on June 25.
    For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website:
    ** As a reminder, all field trips continue to require reservations in advance and proof of full Covid-19 vaccination. Email nancykenyon@... to make a reservation or get on the waitlist.
    The next bird walk at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine will take place on July 10 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The next bird walk at Carbon Canyon Regional Park in Brea will take place on July 17 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The summer pelagic trip will take place on August 13.
    None at this time.
    The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds.
    Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them.
    Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA
    Jeff Bray
    Irvine, CA
  22. -back to top-
  23. Orange County RBA: June 23, 2022 LINK
    DATE: Jun 23, 2022 @ 11:15pm, 3 year(s) ago
    * California * Orange County * June 23, 2022 * CAOC22.06.23
    This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... .
    White-winged Dove Spotted Sandpiper *PACIFIC/ARCTIC LOON* Tricolored Heron Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Summer Tanager
    A WHITE-WINGED DOVE was reported from the Fullerton Arboretum in Fullerton on June 22. SPOTTED SANDPIPERS are being reported along their typical breeding areas in the Upper Santa Ana River. Technically Orange County is outside of their typical breeding range, but for many many years we have had small numbers of birds that breed here in Orange County anyway, most notably on the Upper Santa Ana River, in San Diego Creek, and at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary. A *PACIFIC/ARCTIC LOON* was photographed from the Huntington Beach Pier on June 18. This bird showed traits of an Arctic Loon, particularly the larger bill size relative to a Pacific Loon, lack of a chin strap, and presence of a notable white flank patch. Feedback from multiple expert birders has indicated support for Arctic Loon, but because this is a CBRC review species, the CBRC has the final determination. If accepted, this would be the second record of Arctic Loon for Orange County. A TRICOLORED HERON was reported from Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach on June 23. YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS were photographed in Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach on June 23. This species is still not totally expected to be here year-round, even though I suspect that in certain areas they probably are. Upper Newport Bay is one of those areas that I suspect of having a year-round population, and probably Dana Point Harbor as well. Any evidence of breeding should be reported directly to me so that I can keep track for the county records (thanks in advance). An immature male SUMMER TANAGER was photographed from the Hyatt Regency Hotel along Back Bay Drive in Newport Beach on June 17.
    For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website:
    ** As a reminder, all field trips continue to require reservations in advance and proof of full Covid-19 vaccination. Email nancykenyon@... to make a reservation or get on the waitlist.
    The Mammoth Lakes Weekend Trip is taking place June 25th and 26th. Currently listed as full, but you can email Nancy to get on the waiting list.
    The Upper Newport Bay Bird Walk will take place on June 26 from 8:00am to 11:00am. Email Nancy to get on the list. The next bird walk at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine will take place on July 10 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The next bird walk at Carbon Canyon Regional Park in Brea will take place on July 17 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
    The summer pelagic trip will take place on August 13.
    None at this time.
    The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds.
    Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them.
    Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA
    Ryan Winkleman
    Rancho Santa Margarita
  24. -back to top-
  25. Orange County RBA: June 2, 2022 LINK
    DATE: Jun 2, 2022 @ 11:59am, 3 year(s) ago
    * California * Orange County * June 2, 2022 * CAOC22.06.02
    This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... .
    BIRDS MENTIONED Black Swift Nazca Booby Neotropic Cormorant Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Summer Tanager Rose-breasted Grosbeak A BLACK SWIFT was reported around Anaheim Coves / Santa Ana River in Anaheim on May 27. Another bird was reported the same day in the Dilley Preserve in the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park.
    A NAZCA BOOBY was photographed about 3 miles offshore from Huntington Beach on May 29.
    As many as three NEOTROPIC CORMORANTS were reported from San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine on May 30 and again on May 31. Seen in the San Diego Creek that parallels the entrance road to the marsh. Reports from earlier in the week had at least one bird on Pond 1 island on May 28.
    Two YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS were seen in Newport Back Bay in Newport Beach on May 29. Another report from June 2 as well with one bird seen.
    A SUMMER TANAGER was seen at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on May 30 and May 31.
    A male ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK was found at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on May 27. An additional bird turned up during follow up visits from other birders, being seen through May 30. An additional bird was photographed on June 1 in the restricted area of Agua Chinon in Limestone Canyon.
    For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website:
    ** As a reminder, all field trips continue to require reservations in advance and proof of full Covid-19 vaccination. Email nancykenyon@... to make a reservation or get on the waitlist.
    The next San Joaquin WIldlife Sanctuary bird walk will take place on June 12 from 8:00am to 11:00am. Email Nancy to get on the list.
    The next Anaheim Coves bird walk will take place on June 19 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. Email Nancy to get on the list.
    The Mammoth Lakes Weekend Trip is taking place June 25th and 26th. Currently listed as full, but you can email Nancy to get on the waiting list.
    The Upper Newport Bay Bird Walk will take place on June 26 from 8:00am to 11:00am. Email Nancy to get on the list.
    A summer pelagic trip has been added on August 13.
    None at this time.
    The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds.
    Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them.
    Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA
    Jeff Bray
    Irvine, CA
  26. -back to top-
  27. Orange County RBA: May 19, 2022 LINK
    DATE: May 19, 2022 @ 10:29am, 3 year(s) ago
    RBA * California * Orange County * May 19, 2022 * CAOC22.05.19 This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... . BIRDS MENTIONED Little Blue Heron Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Yellow-throated Vireo Black-throated Sparrow Yellow-headed Blackbird Tricolored Blackbird Chestnut-sided Warbler Palm Warbler A LITTLE BLUE HERON was reported in Newport Back Bay on May 15, but the observer's details are probably not adequate to rule out other similar species. A YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON was at the UCI marsh on May 13 and May 15. A YELLOW-THROATED VIREO was a nice surprise at Huntington Beach Central Park (west) on May 17 and continued through May 18. Seen moving around the trees to the west of the parking lot and senior center, northeast of Lake Huntington. An adult BLACK-THROATED SPARROW was at Huntington Beach Central Park Urban Forest area on May 16 and continued through May 19. Seen around GPS: 33.694805, -118.010710 A YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD was at Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach on May 18. A TRICOLORED BLACKBIRD was photographed at Irvine Lake on May 15. A CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER was photographed along Niguel Trail in Laguna Niguel on May 13 and again on May 14. A second new bird was found this morning at Laguna Niguel Regional Park in Laguna Niguel. It was seen in the trees around the water treatment plant at the far south end of the park, near Shelter 12. A PALM WARBLER was photographed at Ralph B. Clark Park in Fullerton on May 15.
    LOCAL EVENTS For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website: ** As a reminder, all field trips continue to require reservations in advance and proof of full Covid-19 vaccination. Email nancykenyon@... to make a reservation or get on the waitlist. The next Upper Newport Bay bird walk will take place on May 29 from 8:00am to 11:00am but is currently full. Email Nancy to get on the waiting list. The next San Joaquin WIldlife Sanctuary bird walk will take place on June 12 from 8:00am to 11:00am. Email Nancy to get on the list. The next Anaheim Coves bird walk will take place on June 19 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. Email Nancy to get on the list. The Mammoth Lakes Weekend Trip is taking place June 25th and 26th. Currently listed as full, but you can email Nancy to get on the waiting list. The Upper Newport Bay Bird Walk will take place on June 26 from 8:00am to 11:00am. Email Nancy to get on the list. A summer pelagic trip has been added on August 13. BIRDING WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES None at this time. **************************************************** The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds. Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them. Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA
    Jeff Bray
    Irvine, CA
  28. -back to top-
  29. Orange County RBA: April 28, 2022 LINK
    DATE: Apr 28, 2022 @ 8:35am, 3 year(s) ago
    RBA * California * Orange County * April 28, 2022 * CAOC22.04.28 This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... . BIRDS MENTIONED White-winged Scoter Calliope Hummingbird Pacific Golden-Plover Solitary Sandpiper Neotropic Cormorant Tricolored Heron Cattle Egret Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Bald Eagle Lewiss Woodpecker Purple Martin Bank Swallow Brown Thrasher Palm Warbler A single northbound WHITE-WINGED SCOTER was photographed off of Newport Pier on April 22. At least four CALLIOPE HUMMINGBIRDS were seen this past week in Silverado Canyon, up the Maple Springs Truck Trail. The second stream crossing seems to be the most reliable and popular place to catch them. At least two continued through April 27. An alternate-plumaged PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER was at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach on April 25. A SOLITARY SANDPIPER continued in San Diego Creek by the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine through April 24. An adult NEOTROPIC CORMORANT came into the mouth of Salt Creek in Dana Point on April 26. A TRICOLORED HERON continued in Upper Newport Bay on April 23. A CATTLE EGRET in its high breeding plumage was photographed strutting around the gulls and terns at the San Juan Creek mouth in Dana Point on April 26. An adult YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON was photographed in Upper Newport Bay on April 23. A BALD EAGLE continued at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach on April 24. A LEWISS WOODPECKER continued at Irvine Regional Park in Orange through April 21. Another bird was seen in Limestone Canyon (restricted access) on April 15. An adult male PURPLE MARTIN was photographed perched at Pond 1 of the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine on April 25. A BANK SWALLOW was at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine through at least April 22. A BROWN THRASHER, only the 9th record for Orange County, was one of big surprises of the spring, especially after we just had our 8th record a few weeks ago. This bird has been found singing around the corner of 1st and Ocean in Seal Beach between April 25 and April 27. A PALM WARBLER continued at Eisenhower Park in Orange through April 27. LOCAL EVENTS For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website: ** As a reminder, all field trips continue to require reservations in advance and proof of full Covid-19 vaccination. Email nancykenyon@... to make a reservation or get on the waitlist. ALL events in May except for the spring pelagic trip currently have open spaces. The San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary will host a nature walk on May 7 from 9:00am to 10:30am. Jeffs next bird walk at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary will be on May 8 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The next Carbon Canyon Regional Park bird walk will take place on May 15 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The next Bolsa Chica bird walk will take place on May 19 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The next Upper Newport Bay bird walk will take place on May 29 from 8:00am to 11:00am. A summer pelagic trip has been added on August 13. BIRDING WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES None at this time. ***************************************************** The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds. Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them. Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA
    Ryan Winkleman
    Rancho Santa Margarita
  30. -back to top-

-revision history-
v1.35 - 11/22/22 - Finally rewrote code to handle new Groups.IO web structure
v1.30 - 01/05/16 - Revamped cloud logic, optimized database queries, linked to eBird rarities.
v1.23 - 12/08/11 - Added direct link to CBRC records.
v1.22 - 12/03/11 - Corrected GMT offsets on dates. Added last 5 posts at top.
v1.21 - 11/24/11 - Added direct link to range map for NA birds.
v1.2  - 11/23/11 - Greatly improved graphing technology - separates month vs. year by posts. Added species auto-complete functionality.
v1.14 - 11/22/11 - Added cloud bubble for common thread topics.
v1.13 - 11/22/11 - Added integrated photos where available.
v1.12 - 11/22/11 - Added multiple input boxes for additional refinement, negative search criteria (eg. -keyword).
v1.11 - 11/22/11 - Added banding code, species look-up. Also direct link to recent eBird observations.
 v1.1 - 11/22/11 - Added 'date' functionality. Shows top 'month/year' combinations for a query. Restrict results to that 'month/year'.
 v1.0 - 11/21/11 - Initial version coded. Currently archiving 'lacobirds' and 'calbirds'.