* California * Orange County * September 1, 2022 * CAOC22.09.01
This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... .
Bairds Sandpiper Red-billed Tropicbird Reddish Egret Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Zone-tailed Hawk Gray Flycatcher Cassins Vireo Purple Martin Northern Waterthrush Indigo Bunting
A BAIRDS SANDPIPER was at Bolsa Chica Wetlands in Huntington Beach on August 31. Seen in the back area around the oil fields off of Springdale.
A RED-BILLED TROPICBIRD (not a White-tailed Tropicbird, for which there is only one California record and it just so happened to be in Orange County!) was photographed at sea about 1 mile off Dana Point on August 27.
A REDDISH EGRET was a quick and rare sighting at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary on August 28. Seen on Pond 1.
YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS continued at many locations this past week including Dana Point Harbor, Upper Newport Bay, and the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary.
A juvenile ZONE-TAILED HAWK was at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on August 27.
A GRAY FLYCATCHER continued around the area of the secret garden at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on August 27 and apparently also on August 26.
A CASSINS VIREO was reported at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on September 1.
An adult male PURPLE MARTIN was photographed flying over Mason Regional Park in Irvine on August 25.
A NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH continued at the Talbert Lake area at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach through September 1. There was one report of two birds present simultaneously.
A female-type INDIGO BUNTING was present at Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley on August 29.
For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website: https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule
The next bird walk at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine will take place on September 11 from 8:00am to 11:00am.
The next bird walk at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach will take place on September 15 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
The next bird walk at Carbon Canyon Regional Park in Brea will take place on September 18 from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
The next Upper Newport Bay pontoon boat trip will be on September 21 from 8:15am to 11:45am.
Sylvia Gallaghers Birds of Southern California introductory visual workshop will begin this October, with enrollment beginning in September. Refer here for more info: https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/birding-classes/#Intro2022 .
The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( http://ebird.org/content/ebird ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds.
Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them.
Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( http://www.seaandsageaudubon.org/ ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA
Jeff Bray
Irvine, CA |