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  1. Probable American Golden-Plover at Crystal Cove LINK
    DATE: Apr 28, 2013 @ 4:57am, 12 year(s) ago
    This morning (Apr 27) Chet McGaugh found and photographed a possible American
    Golden-Plover at Crystal Cove State Park. This evening the bird was refound by
    Tom Ford-Hutchinson and seen also by myself. Based on the very long primary
    projection, this bird does appear to be an American Golden-Plover. The bird is
    still primarily in basic plumage but starting to molt into alternate plumage.
    Directions: enter CCSP at Newport Coast Drive, pay the fee at the booth, turn
    right at the T-section, the left into the first parking lot. Take the wooden
    path toward the beach, then take the beach access path that forks down to the
    left. The bird was between the bottom of the beach access path and lifeguard
    station 12 to the north. It was still present at sunset.
    Tom Benson
    San Bernardino, CA
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-revision history-
v1.35 - 11/22/22 - Finally rewrote code to handle new Groups.IO web structure
v1.30 - 01/05/16 - Revamped cloud logic, optimized database queries, linked to eBird rarities.
v1.23 - 12/08/11 - Added direct link to CBRC records.
v1.22 - 12/03/11 - Corrected GMT offsets on dates. Added last 5 posts at top.
v1.21 - 11/24/11 - Added direct link to range map for NA birds.
v1.2  - 11/23/11 - Greatly improved graphing technology - separates month vs. year by posts. Added species auto-complete functionality.
v1.14 - 11/22/11 - Added cloud bubble for common thread topics.
v1.13 - 11/22/11 - Added integrated photos where available.
v1.12 - 11/22/11 - Added multiple input boxes for additional refinement, negative search criteria (eg. -keyword).
v1.11 - 11/22/11 - Added banding code, species look-up. Also direct link to recent eBird observations.
 v1.1 - 11/22/11 - Added 'date' functionality. Shows top 'month/year' combinations for a query. Restrict results to that 'month/year'.
 v1.0 - 11/21/11 - Initial version coded. Currently archiving 'lacobirds' and 'calbirds'.