Hi all, For those of you that arent on eBird/dont get eBird alerts, I thought Id share this.
This morning(Sunday), I went to Huntington Central Park-east in search of the rarities found previously. These are:
American Redstart Black and White Warbler Swamp Sparrow Brown Creeper Pink-sided Junco(Dark-eyed Junco)
All of those have been seen around the island area. I was successful in only the Brown Creeper and Swamp Sparrow. Both were toward the tip of the island. The Brown Creeper appeared early on, as did the Swamp Sparrow. The Sparrow was also present on my return an hour or so later.
There were large numbers of Canada Geese, but I was unsuccessful in locating any Cackling Geese(or any geese for that matter other than two Egyptian Geese!). I also didnt see the male Eurasian Wigeon that has been reported.
There was a ton of warbler activity in the tipu and eucalyptus trees bordering the maintenance yard fence, in the general vicinity of these coordinates: 33.70695 N, 118.00337 W
Those trees held:
25+ Yellow-rumped Warblers A Black-throated Gray Warbler A Townsends Warbler A Nashville Warbler A Yellow Warbler(possibly a second one) 4 Orange-crowned Warblers A Common Yellowthroat
I also had an odd chip call, Merlin picked it up as a Blackpoll, and the chip did sound similar to the Blackpoll recordings on eBird, but I wasnt able to save the recording and Im not positive. I never saw the bird, but its worth keeping a look out for. Here is my checklist, photos will be added soon. https://ebird.org/checklist/S125720750
Happy birding!
Braxton Landsman(BAL Land from eBird)
Ladera Ranch
balbhl@... |