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Banding Code Translator | Recent Rare Bird Sightings
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  1. Re: Alternatives to the Perpetual Big Year LINK
    DATE: Dec 31, 2019 @ 8:11am, 5 year(s) ago
    Well stated and much appreciated. I coordinate volunteers for the CBC each year in my area and this year I had the fewest volunteers. I can't help but think that many are too interested in just being in the Top 100. I think that is fine but I wish they would spend some of their time volunteering with monthly surveys and counts that help define status and distribution more accurately, as the House Finch you described. Though the CBC is interested in the total birds in my area, I enter each site separately in a CBC account I created and make them available to stakeholders and organizations in my area. This data is helpful to assist them in writing grants, educational materials, etc., to help preserve their parks and native habitat areas.
    Thanks again for your thoughtful post.
    Lena Hayashi
    Huntington Beach
  2. -back to message board-

-revision history-
v1.35 - 11/22/22 - Finally rewrote code to handle new Groups.IO web structure
v1.30 - 01/05/16 - Revamped cloud logic, optimized database queries, linked to eBird rarities.
v1.23 - 12/08/11 - Added direct link to CBRC records.
v1.22 - 12/03/11 - Corrected GMT offsets on dates. Added last 5 posts at top.
v1.21 - 11/24/11 - Added direct link to range map for NA birds.
v1.2  - 11/23/11 - Greatly improved graphing technology - separates month vs. year by posts. Added species auto-complete functionality.
v1.14 - 11/22/11 - Added cloud bubble for common thread topics.
v1.13 - 11/22/11 - Added integrated photos where available.
v1.12 - 11/22/11 - Added multiple input boxes for additional refinement, negative search criteria (eg. -keyword).
v1.11 - 11/22/11 - Added banding code, species look-up. Also direct link to recent eBird observations.
 v1.1 - 11/22/11 - Added 'date' functionality. Shows top 'month/year' combinations for a query. Restrict results to that 'month/year'.
 v1.0 - 11/21/11 - Initial version coded. Currently archiving 'lacobirds' and 'calbirds'.