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  1. Looking for the Indigo Bunting at Mason Regional Park LINK
    DATE: May 12, 2018 @ 7:46pm, 7 year(s) ago
    I visited William R. Mason Regional Park on Friday afternoon from 3:30 to 4:30 looking for the Indigo Bunting reported on Thursday. No luck, but the park was pretty birdy. 19 species including a Wilson's Warbler.
    Pete Gordon
    Foothill Ranch, CA
    Canada Goose 8
    Egyptian Goose 6
    Mallard 8
    Ruddy Duck 1
    Turkey Vulture 3
    Cooper's Hawk 1
    American Coot 4
    Mourning Dove 2
    Black Phoebe 1
    Common Raven 1
    Tree Swallow 26
    Western Bluebird 4
    Orange-crowned Warbler 3
    Common Yellowthroat 1
    Wilson's Warbler 1
    Song Sparrow 1
    Western Tanager 1
    House Finch 2
    Lesser Goldfinch 2
    View this checklist online at
    Pete Gordon
    Alton Side
    Foothill Ranch, CA
  2. -back to message board-

-revision history-
v1.35 - 11/22/22 - Finally rewrote code to handle new Groups.IO web structure
v1.30 - 01/05/16 - Revamped cloud logic, optimized database queries, linked to eBird rarities.
v1.23 - 12/08/11 - Added direct link to CBRC records.
v1.22 - 12/03/11 - Corrected GMT offsets on dates. Added last 5 posts at top.
v1.21 - 11/24/11 - Added direct link to range map for NA birds.
v1.2  - 11/23/11 - Greatly improved graphing technology - separates month vs. year by posts. Added species auto-complete functionality.
v1.14 - 11/22/11 - Added cloud bubble for common thread topics.
v1.13 - 11/22/11 - Added integrated photos where available.
v1.12 - 11/22/11 - Added multiple input boxes for additional refinement, negative search criteria (eg. -keyword).
v1.11 - 11/22/11 - Added banding code, species look-up. Also direct link to recent eBird observations.
 v1.1 - 11/22/11 - Added 'date' functionality. Shows top 'month/year' combinations for a query. Restrict results to that 'month/year'.
 v1.0 - 11/21/11 - Initial version coded. Currently archiving 'lacobirds' and 'calbirds'.