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  1. Southeastern CA RBA: May 18, 2023 LINK
    DATE: May 18, 2023 @ 1:51pm, 2 year(s) ago
    * California
    * Southeastern
    * May 18, 2023
    * CASE23.05.18
    This is the Southeastern CA weekly RBA summary. We cover Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. California Bird Records Committee review species are denoted by asterisks. To report a bird POST TO INLANDCOUNTYBIRDS (
    If there is some reason that you cannot post there, please e-mail or call/text Tom Benson at tbenson@... or (909) 648-0899.
    Birds mentioned:
    White-winged Scoter
    Red-necked Grebe
    Black Turnstone
    Bronzed Cowbird
    A RED-NECKED GREBE was seen at Big Bear Dam May 12-16 (Scott Taylor).
    Up to two BRONZED COWBIRDS were seen on private property in La Quinta May 12-14 (Anne Cheung).
    A WHITE-WINGED SCOTER continued at the west end of Young Road through May 17 (Chris Dean).
    Two BLACK TURNSTONES were seen near the west end of Young Round on May 9 (Bobby Figarota).
    As of January 2022, birds that are on this weekly summary are those that are considered casual or of less than annual occurrence in San Bernardino, Riverside, or Imperial Counties, or in some cases regionally within these areas.
    If you do find or see something of interest, whether it be a geographical or seasonal rarity, evidence of local range expansion, or a novel breeding record, I'd recommend sharing that information with the CBRC, North American Birds subregional editors, or
    regional listservs as appropriate. Information for contacting these entities is available below.
    Please submit your documentation of all California Bird Records Committee review species (denoted by asterisks) to CBRC Secretary Tom Benson at secretary@... or via the CBRC website:
    CBRC review species and birds of local or seasonal rarity should be reported to the North American Birds ( county coordinators. They are:
    IMPERIAL COUNTY: Guy McCaskie, guymcc@...
    INYO COUNTY: Chris and Rosie Howard, chris93514@...
    KERN COUNTY: Kelli Heindel-Levinson, kkheindel@...
    RIVERSIDE COUNTY: David Rankin, david.rankin@...
    SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY: Alexander E. Koonce, sandy_koonce@...
    Other dying birding listservs that include reports of birds in southern California are:
    Inyo County:!forum/easternsierrabirds
    Kern County:
    Los Angeles County:
    Orange County:
    San Diego County:
    San Luis Obispo County:
    Santa Barbara County:
    Ventura County:
    California (statewide):
    A schedule of San Bernardino Valley Audubon Society field trips is available on the SBVAS website at
    Bird status and distribution references that every southeastern California birder should own:
    Birds of southern California: status and distribution (1981), by Kimball L. Garrett and Jon L. Dunn
    Birds of the Salton Sea: status, biogeography, and ecology (2003), by Michael A. Patten, Guy McCaskie, and Philip Unitt (update:
    Birds of the Lower Colorado River Valley (1991), by Kenneth V. Rosenberg, Robert D. Ohmart, William C. Hunter, and Bertin W. Anderson
  2. -back to message board-

-revision history-
v1.35 - 11/22/22 - Finally rewrote code to handle new Groups.IO web structure
v1.30 - 01/05/16 - Revamped cloud logic, optimized database queries, linked to eBird rarities.
v1.23 - 12/08/11 - Added direct link to CBRC records.
v1.22 - 12/03/11 - Corrected GMT offsets on dates. Added last 5 posts at top.
v1.21 - 11/24/11 - Added direct link to range map for NA birds.
v1.2  - 11/23/11 - Greatly improved graphing technology - separates month vs. year by posts. Added species auto-complete functionality.
v1.14 - 11/22/11 - Added cloud bubble for common thread topics.
v1.13 - 11/22/11 - Added integrated photos where available.
v1.12 - 11/22/11 - Added multiple input boxes for additional refinement, negative search criteria (eg. -keyword).
v1.11 - 11/22/11 - Added banding code, species look-up. Also direct link to recent eBird observations.
 v1.1 - 11/22/11 - Added 'date' functionality. Shows top 'month/year' combinations for a query. Restrict results to that 'month/year'.
 v1.0 - 11/21/11 - Initial version coded. Currently archiving 'lacobirds' and 'calbirds'.