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  1. Black-billed Magpie - Info from Cornell LINK
    DATE: Dec 17, 2010 @ 4:44pm, 13 year(s) ago
    I contacted Cornell Lab of Ornithology regarding my photo of the Black-billed
    Magpie. Below is their response:
    Hi, Terry,
    I contacted several of our staff concerning these photos including two who
    have studied the Black-billed Magpie in the field. I've left their input as
    they gave it rather than putting it into my own words. Hope this helps.
    My impression is that it is a real Black-billed Magpie.
    1. The two species are not that different in size; their tarsi are virtually
    identical. It's mostly tail and wings that are longer in black-billed.
    2. As far as I can tell from the one photo, yes that is indeed a Black-billed
    Magpie. I handled a bunch of them years ago (did my MSc research on them), and
    I can't see anything about the proportions and coloration that would suggest to
    me that the dark-billed bird was anything other than Black-billed. Regarding
    being the same size as the Yellow-billed Magpies around it, I personally have
    handled some very small Black-billed Magpies, so the size per se doesn't look
    unusual to me. I also would wonder why a melanistic Yellow-billed Magpie could
    have a black beak but not show signs of darker elsewhere (i.e. in its plumage).
    I also wandered across the hall to ask Walt (I believe he's actually written
    papers about Yellow-billed Magpies) his thoughts, and he said that if anything
    he things that I remembers reading or hearing people suggest that some
    Black-billed Magpies could have lighter bills, but never the other way around.
    As for how the bird got there, Walt's thought was that it might have been a
    captive bird that we released in the area. If it was a captive-raised bird,
    that could even explain the small size. I raised a bunch of nestling
    Black-billed Magpies and the captive raised birds were generally smaller than
    wild birds.
    If you've found this information useful, I hope you'll consider supporting
    our work on behalf of birds and other wildlife. In addition to knowing that
    you'll be making a difference for conservation, you'll receive our
    award-winning Living Bird magazine and informative BirdScope newsletter four
    times a year. We invite you to join our "force for nature". To sign up or
    watch our video about membership, visit
    or call us at 1-800-843-2473.
    Anne Hobbs
    Public Information Specialist
    Cornell Lab of Ornithology
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