This morning, July 4th, I had the returning adult Little Stint at the salt works at the south end of San Diego Bay. Now it's third year back at this site. Seems to be most reliable in late fall, and very dicey the rest of the year. It should remain until April, at least. But the bird moves around, and the salt works proper is off-limits to the public, thus birding is only from the outside edge, and so finding it can take lots of time, luck, a good-quality scope, and a time of day without too much heat distortion. High tide (out on the Bay) is better than low tide, but may or may not be critical. See my post from earlier today on the San Diego listserv as to where I had it today, and the moderate distances involved. BUT, for those from out of town who might wish to chase it at some point, I would wait. The past two years it has been most reliable on a small island in another pond some 1/2 mile to the west of where I saw it today, but in past years it doesn't seem to use that island until around October-December. (And of course by then it will be mostly in basic plumage, whereas right now it is in nice-looking alternate plumage.) We will post updated news if the bird becomes at all reliable or when/if it moves to that island.
--Paul Lehman, San Diego |