YELLOW COLUMBINE [Aquilegia Flavescens]
Location: Sawmill Canyon, AZ Date: July 31, 2009 ID : 7C2V0731 [3888 x 2592]

General: erect perennial, 20-70 cm tall, freely branched, from simple to branched rootstocks. Stems hairless to short-hairy and glandular.
Leaves: mainly basal, reduced upward, the stalks, long, hairless to copiously short-hairy and more or less glandular. Stem leaves few, short-stalked. Leaf blades divided in 3's, the leaflets thin, wedge-shaped, 2-3 times shallowly to deeply lobed with rounded tips, usually with a bluish-white cast and short-hairy beneath, 15-55 mm long.
Flowers: pale yellow, nodding, usually several in loose clusters. Petals 5, yellow, rarely slightly pinkish, 6-13 mm long, each with a long, slender spur, which is nearly straight but somewhat curved inward, 10-15 mm long. Sepals yellow to whitish or pinkish, spreading, lanceolate to oblong- lanceolate, 15-25 mm long.
Flowering time: June-August.
Fruits: erect clusters of 5 slender pods (follicles), splitting open along the inner side, copiously glandular-short-hairy, about 2 cm long, the tips spreading.
Distribution: Moist mountain meadows or open woods to alpine slopes, in w. and c. parts of MT. Also from B.C. and Alberta to w. WY, CO, UT, and much of ID.