GIANT SWALLOWTAIL [Papilio cresphontes]
Location: Los Angeles, CAGPS: 34.1N, -118.2W, elev=281' MAP Date: June 10, 2001 ID : ? [3888 x 2592]

Known as the "Orange Dog" by citrus growers, the Giant Swallowtail is sometimes considered a citrus pest and is subjected to massive spraying. It is capable of flying long distances and often strays into northern and midwestern districts. Adults take nectar from lantana, orange blossoms, and other flowers. The Giant, the Thoas, and the female Tiger swallowtails are the largest North American butterflies.
Description: 3 3/8-5 1/2" (86-140 mm). Very large. Long, dark, spoon-shaped tails have yellow center. Dark brownish-black above with 2 broad bands of yellow spots converging at tip of FW. Orange spot at corner of HW flanked by blue spot above; both recur below, but blue continuing in chevrons across underwing, which also has orange patch. Otherwise, yellow below with black veins and borders. Abdomen yellow with broad black midline tapering at tip; notch on top of abdomen near rear. Thorax has yellow lengthwise spots or stripes.