The Tamaulipas Crow (Corvus imparatus) is a relatively small (34-38 cm in length) and sleek looking crow with very glossy plumage which is very soft and silky looking. The bill is quite slender and black, as are the legs and feet.
Distribution and habitat
Occurring in a relatively small area in north-eastern Mexico, it inhabits near desert scrub and bushland and includes farms, small towns and villages in its range. It also occurs in more humid woodland in open areas but does not appear to be found in the higher mountains or along the seashore. It is a sociable bird often forming large flocks, moving together in close groups. Its northern range reaches Brownsville in southern Texas where it has been known to nest.
Food would appear to be mainly insects taken on the ground though eggs and nestling's are taken in trees as well as many fruits and berries.
The nest is similar to the American Crow but smaller and is built in a tree or large bush.
The voice of this Crow is unusual and unlike most other species of the genus Corvus. It has a low croaking sound rather like a frog and a call that is described as a soft "gar-lik".
Related species
The Sinaloan Crow Corvus sinaloae appears to be genetically extremely close to this bird and can be considered the western form of it though the voice is quite different, indeed a third species, the Fish Crow Corvus ossifragus from the southeastern seaboard of the United States appears to be very closely related to them also and the three may be considered a "Superspecies".
Image links
- Bird eating White Mulberries
- Bird calling
- Two stuffed museum birds
- Tamaulipas Crow photo gallery VIREO