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American Avocet [Recurvirostra americana]
The American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana) is a large wader in the avocet and stilt family, Recurvirostridae.This avocet has long, thin, gray legs, giving it its colloquial name, "blue shanks". The plumage is black and white on the back with white on t...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/american_avocet/ - Last revised: May 01, 2023
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Black-necked Stilt [Himantopus mexicanus]
The Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus) is a locally abundant resident of American wetlands and coastlines, from the coastal areas of California, much of the interior western United States and along the Gulf of Mexico as far east as Florida, then so...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/black_necked_stilt/ - Last revised: Jun 05, 2023
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Black-winged Stilt [Himantopus himantopus]
Adult at Hodal in Faridabad District of Haryana, India. Immature at Hodal in Faridabad District of Haryana, India. in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. The Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, is a large wader in the avocet and stilt family, Recurvirostr...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/black_winged_stilt/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Hawai'ian Stilt
The Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, is a large wader in the avocet and stilt family, Recurvirostridae.Adults are 33-36 cm long. They have long pink legs, a long thin black bill and are mainly white with a dark cap and a dark back.The taxonomy o...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/hawaiian_stilt/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Pied Avocet [Recurvirostra avosetta]
The Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) is a large wader in the avocet and stilt family, Recurvirostridae. Adults have white plumage except for a black cap and black patches in the wings and on the back. They have long, upturned bills and long, bluish le...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/pied_avocet/ - Last revised: May 30, 2023
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White-headed Stilt [Himantopus leucocephalus]
Adults and immatures in Kewdale, Western Australia The White-headed Stilt or Pied Stilt is a bird in the Recurvirostridae family. It is sometimes treated as a distinct species Himantopus leucocephalus, sometimes included in the Common or Black-winged Stil...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/white_headed_stilt/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017