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American Goldfinch [Spinus tristis]
The Eastern or American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis), also known as the Wild Canary, is a North American bird in the finch family. It is migratory, ranging from southern Canada to North Carolina during the breeding season, and from just south of the Cana...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/american_goldfinch/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Apapane [Himatione sanguinea]
The 'Apapane (Himatione sanguinea) is a species of finch in the Fringillidae family.It is endemic to Hawai?i. Just like the Iiwi, a native bird to the Hawaiian Islands, the feathers of the Apapane were once used to adorn the chief's clothes like cloaks, h...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/apapane/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Black Rosy-Finch [Leucosticte atrata]
The Black Rosy Finch (or Black Rosy-finch), Leucosticte atrata, is a medium-sized finch.Adults are black on the head, back and breast with pink on the belly, rump and wings. There is a patch of grey at the back of the head. They have short black legs and...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/black_rosy_finch/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Brown-capped Rosy-Finch [Leucosticte australis]
The Brown-capped Rosy Finch (or Brown-capped Rosy-finch), Leucosticte australis, is a medium-sized finch.Adults are brown on the head, back, and breast with pink on the belly, rump, and wings. The forehead is black. They have short black legs and a long f...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/brown_capped_rosy_finch/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Cassin's Finch [Carpodacus cassinii]
The Cassin's Finch, Carpodacus cassinii, is a medium-sized finch of the Rosefinch genus.Adults have a short forked brown tail and brown wings. They have a longer bill than the Purple Finch. Adult males are raspberry red on the head, breast, back and rump;...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/cassins_finch/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Common Chaffinch [Fringilla coelebs]
The Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs, is a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae, also called a spink. Its large double white wing bars, white tail edges and greenish rump easily identify this 14-16 cm long species. The breeding male is unmist...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/common_chaffinch/ - Last revised: May 30, 2023
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Common Redpoll [Acanthis flammea]
The Common Redpoll, Carduelis flammea, is a species in the finch family. It breeds somewhat further south than the Arctic Redpoll, also in habitats with thickets or shrubs. Nominate C. f. flammea (Mealy Redpoll) breeds across the northern parts of North A...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/common_redpoll/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Evening Grosbeak [Coccothraustes vespertinus]
The Evening Grosbeak, Coccothraustes vespertinus, is a large finch. In the past, it was treated in a genus of its own as Hesperiphona vespertina, but is now usually placed in the same genus as the Hawfinch of Eurasia. The breeding habitat is coniferous an...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/evening_grosbeak/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch [Leucosticte tephrocotis]
The Gray-crowned Rosy Finch, Leucosticte tephrocotis, is a medium-sized finch.Adults are brown on the back and breast and mainly pink on the rest of the underparts and the wings. The forehead and throat are black; the back of the head is grey. They have s...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/gray_crowned_rosy_finch/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Hawai'i Amakihi
The Common 'Amakihi or Hawai'i 'Amakihi (Hemignathus virens) is a species of finch in the Fringillidae family. It is endemic to Hawai'i....
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/hawaii_amakihi/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Hawai'i Creeper
This is an endangered species due to its very small population size and extremely fragmented and disappearing range. Its population is severely threatened by habitat loss, feral pigs, and other problems. It recently disappeared from one area and is losing...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/hawaii_creeper/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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House Finch [Carpodacus mexicanus]
The House Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) is a medium-sized finch of the Rosefinch genus.Adults have a long brown tail and are a brown or dull-brown color across the back with some shading into deep grey on the wing feathers. Breast and belly feathers may be...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/house_finch/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Iiwi [Vestiaria coccinea]
The 'I'iwi (Vestiaria coccinea) or Scarlet Hawaiian Honeycreeper is a Hawaiian bird of the family Drepanididae, and the only member of the genus Vestiaria. One of the most plentiful species of this family, which includes many endangered or extinct species...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/iiwi/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Lawrence's Goldfinch [Spinus lawrencei]
Lawrence's Goldfinch, Carduelis lawrencei, is a small songbird that ranges erratically in southwestern North America. Description At about 4.75 inches (12 cm) long and weighing about 0.4 oz (11.5 g), it is slightly bigger than the Lesser Goldfinch and sli...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/lawrences_goldfinch/ - Last revised: Mar 11, 2019
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Lesser Goldfinch [Spinus psaltria]
The Lesser Goldfinch or Dark-backed Goldfinch (Carduelis psaltria) is a very small songbird of the Americas. Together with its relatives the American Goldfinch and Lawrence's Goldfinch, it forms the American goldfinches clade in the genus Carduelis sensu...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/lesser_goldfinch/ - Last revised: May 01, 2023
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Palila [Loxioides bailleui]
The Palila (Loxioides bailleui) is an endangered finch-billed species of Hawaiian honeycreeper. It has a golden-yellow head and breast, with a light belly, gray back, and greenish wings and tail. The bird is in a close ecological relationship with the Mam...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/palila/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Pine Grosbeak [Pinicola enucleator]
The Pine Grosbeak, Pinicola enucleator, is a large finch. It is the only member of its genus, Pinicola. It is found in coniferous woods across Canada, Alaska and the western mountains of the United States, and in northern Fennoscandia. Its diet consists m...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/pine_grosbeak/ - Last revised: Jan 02, 2022
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Pine Siskin [Spinus pinus]
The Pine Siskin, Carduelis pinus, is a small finch.Adults are brown on the upperparts and pale on the underparts, with heavy streaking throughout. They have a short forked tail. They have yellow patches in their wings and tail, not always visible; otherwi...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/pine_siskin/ - Last revised: Oct 28, 2020
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Purple Finch [Carpodacus purpureus]
The Purple Finch, Carpodacus purpureus, is a small finch of the Rosefinch genus. Taxonomy The Indigo Bunting is one of 24 birds in the genus Carpodacus and is included in the finch family, Fringillidae, which is made up of passerine birds found in norther...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/purple_finch/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017
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Yellow-fronted Canary [Serinus mozambicus]
The Yellow-fronted Canary (Serinus mozambicus) is a small passerine bird in the finch family. It is known elsewhere and in aviculture as the Green Singing Finch.This bird is a resident breeder in Africa south of the Sahara Desert. Its habitat is open wood...
http://www.kiwifoto.com/galleries/birds/yellow_fronted_canary/ - Last revised: Oct 30, 2017