Jul, 2016 - 16 e-mail(s)... May, 2009 - 16 e-mail(s)... Sep, 2009 - 15 e-mail(s)... Dec, 2009 - 12 e-mail(s)... Jun, 2013 - 12 e-mail(s)... |
May, 2022 - 11 e-mail(s)... Jun, 2009 - 8 e-mail(s)... Mar, 2023 - 7 e-mail(s)... Oct, 2015 - 7 e-mail(s)... Jun, 2018 - 7 e-mail(s)... |
Jun, 2020 - 6 e-mail(s)... Jan, 2010 - 6 e-mail(s)... May, 2007 - 6 e-mail(s)... May, 2017 - 5 e-mail(s)... May, 2019 - 5 e-mail(s)... |
Just wanted to mention, of interest perhaps, a Rose-breasted Grosbeak window strike occurred in a private gated community off Ford and Jamboree in Newport Beach, a male....will be going to the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles, but thought it might be of interest.
Laguna Woods |
RBA * California * Orange County * May 18, 2023 * CAOC23.05.18 This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... . BIRDS MENTIONED Long-tailed Duck Brown Booby Neotropic Cormorant Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Vermilion Flycatcher Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Townsends Solitaire White-throated Sparrow Bells Sparrow Black-and-white Warbler Rose-breasted Grosbeak A LONG-TAILED DUCK was found sitting onshore at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach on May 12 and continued through to May 18, where it has been repeatedly documented on the spit of land coming east of the walkbridge from PCH. BROWN BOOBIES were reported offshore on May 13 and May 14. An immature NEOTROPIC CORMORANT continued at Pond 1 at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine through May 14. YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS were reported from usual locations this week at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach and Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve in Newport Beach. An adult male VERMILION FLYCATCHER at the Dana Point Headlands on May 16 was a good patch bird. A BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHER recorded at Laguna Coast Wilderness Park on May 12 was part of a small population that apparently breeds in the San Joaquin Hills. A TOWNSENDS SOLITAIRE was observed at Alta Laguna Park in Laguna Beach on May 13. Yet another WHITE-THROATED SPARROW was found this last week, with one at the parking lot at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach on May 13. Its May, which means that Orange County birders flock up Coal Canyon in the Santa Ana Mountains foothills to tick off their Bells Sparrow for the year (April is for Silverado Canyon). Reports of this species continued this week. A BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER was photographed along the Sycamore Creek Trail just north of Del Obispo Park in Dana Point on May 13. ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAKS were at Canyon Park in Costa Mesa on May 12, residential Laguna Niguel on May 14, and the Agua Chinon Trail in Irvine on May 15. LOCAL EVENTS For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website: https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule The next Bolsa Chica Wetlands walk will take place on May 18 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The next Carbon Canyon Regional Park bird walk will take place on May 21 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The new Upper Newport Bay bird walk will take place on May 28 from 8:00am to 11:00am. BIRDING WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES None just yet but an advanced shorebirds class is planned for this spring... **************************************************** The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( http://ebird.org/content/ebird ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds. Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them. Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( http://www.seaandsageaudubon.org/ ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA -- Ryan Winkleman Rancho Santa Margarita |
Immature male continuing as of midday today. Seen foraging mid tree at approx. 33.6572091,-117.8363457 and might be easier to see from the road side of the creek across from parking lot B. (thanks to Thomas Wurster & Xinglai Zhuang for refinding this bird) Reported on eBird: https://ebird.org/checklist/S132074200 -- Rhonda Howard |
RBA * California * Orange County * March 23, 2023 * CAOC23.03.23 This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... . BIRDS MENTIONED Glaucous Gull Bald Eagle Ferruginous Hawk Lewiss Woodpecker Tropical Kingbird Brown Creeper Mountain Bluebird Townsend's Solitaire Clay-colored Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Vesper Sparrow Black-and-White Warbler Tennessee Warbler American Redstart Blackburnian Warbler Palm Warbler Rose-breasted Grosbeak A GLAUCOUS GULL was reported off Newport Pier on March 22. A BALD EAGLE continued at Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve in Newport Beach this week. Another bird was at Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station on March 19. A FERRUGINOUS HAWK was reported from the Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base on March 17. A LEWISS WOODPECKER continued at Irvine Regional Park in Orange around Parking Lot Q through March 17. A TROPICAL KINGBIRD continued at Arbor Park in Los Alamitos on March 17. A BROWN CREEPER continued at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach through March 18. A MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD continued in the field near the parking lot of the Muth Center at Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach through March 21. A TOWNSENDS SOLITAIRE continued along the Bell View Trail (south) in RSM/Coto de Caza/Dove Canyon on March 20. A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW continued at Clark Regional Park in Buena Park through March 22. A WHITE-THROATED SPARROW continued along the Salt Creek Trail in Laguna Niguel on March 21. A VESPER SPARROW was reported from ONeill Regional Park in RSM on March 17. A BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER continued at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach through March 17. A TENNESSEE WARBLER was reported from a private residence in Mission Viejo on March 19. An AMERICAN REDSTART continued at Laguna Niguel Regional Park in Laguna Niguel through March 19 in the vicinity of the water treatment plant, with another continuing at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach behind the amphitheater through March 19. A BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER continued in the West Coyote Hills Tree Park in Fullerton through March 19, generally in the vicinity of the oaks behind a house with a brown and white deck off of the Rosecrans Trail from Parks Road (immediately north of Avenida del Norte). A PALM WARBLER continued at Mason Regional Park in Irvine through March 22. An immature male ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK continued at Mason Regional Park in Irvine through March 22, just east of the park entrance. LOCAL EVENTS For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website: https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule The next Upper Newport Bay bird walk will take place on March 26 from 8:00am to 11:00am. A bird walk will take place at Caspers Wilderness Park on March 31 from 8:00am to 11:00am. The next San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary bird walk will take place on April 9 from 8:00am to 11:00am. The next Anaheim Coves bird walk will take place on April 16 from 8:00am to 12:00pm BIRDING WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES None just yet but an advanced shorebirds class is planned for this spring, potentially starting in April although nothing is set in concrete yet. **************************************************** The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( http://ebird.org/content/ebird ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds. Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them. Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( http://www.seaandsageaudubon.org/ ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA -- Jeff Bray Irvine, CA |
A very happy (early) St. Patrick's Day to all of you, especially those of us who share Irish heritage https://youtu.be/NlcGB1ubuG4 RBA * California * Orange County * March 16, 2023 * CAOC23.03.16 This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... . BIRDS MENTIONED Black Scoter Bald Eagle Lewiss Woodpecker Hammonds Flycatcher Brown Creeper Mountain Bluebird Townsend's Solitaire Clay-colored Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Swamp Sparrow Green-tailed Towhee Baltimore Oriole Black-and-White Warbler Tennessee Warbler American Redstart Northern Parula Blackburnian Warbler Chestnut-sided Warbler Rose-breasted Grosbeak Two BLACK SCOTERS were seen floating offshore from the Santa Ana River Mouth on March 14. A BALD EAGLE continued at Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve in Newport Beach this week. A LEWISS WOODPECKER continued at Irvine Regional Park in Orange around Parking Lot Q through March 12. A HAMMOND'S FLYCATCHER continued at Gilman Park in Fullerton through March 13, with another bird apparently continuing in the riparian vegetation in Horno Creek in Ladera Ranch on March 9. A BROWN CREEPER continued in residential Laguna Niguel on March 10, while another continued at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on March 15. MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRDS continued in the grasslands at Fairview Park in Costa Mesa as well as in the field near the parking lot of the Muth Center at Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach. A TOWNSENDS SOLITAIRE continued along the railroad tracks west of Chrisanta Drive in Mission Viejo through March 14. Another was found in Dove Canyon on March 12. A VARIED THRUSH continued around Lots L and M at Irvine Regional Park in Orange through March 2. A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW continued at Clark Regional Park in Buena Park through March 14. A WHITE-THROATED SPARROW continued along the Salt Creek Trail in Laguna Niguel on March 15. A SWAMP SPARROW continued around the island at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach through March 15. A GREEN-TAILED TOWHEE continued between Lots L and M at Irvine Regional Park in Orange through March 12. A BALTIMORE ORIOLE presumably continued at Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley on March 16. A BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER continued at Aurora Park in Mission Viejo through March 9. A TENNESSEE WARBLER was found in the trees at the parking lot by the water treatment plant at Laguna Niguel Regional Park in Laguna Niguel on March 12. An AMERICAN REDSTART continued at Laguna Niguel Regional Park in Laguna Niguel through March 15 in the vicinity of the water treatment plant, with another continuing at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach behind the amphitheater through March 16. A NORTHERN PARULA continued at Del Obispo Park in Dana Point on March 13. A BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER was in the West Coyote Hills Tree Park in Fullerton between March 8 and March 16, generally in the vicinity of the oaks behind a house with a brown and white deck off of the Rosecrans Trail from Parks Road (immediately north of Avenida del Norte). A CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER continued in Irvine in the vegetation just east of the Costco Tire Center, behind the air stations, through March 12. An immature ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK continued at Gilman Park in Fullerton on March 13, with another immature male continuing at Mason Regional Park in Irvine on March 13 just east of the park entrance. LOCAL EVENTS For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website: https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule The next Carbon Canyon Regional Park bird walk will take place on March 19 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The next Upper Newport Bay bird walk will take place on March 26 from 8:00am to 11:00am. A bird walk will take place at Caspers Wilderness Park on March 31 from 8:00am to 11:00am. BIRDING WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES None just yet but an advanced shorebirds class is planned for this spring, potentially starting in April although nothing is set in concrete yet. **************************************************** The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( http://ebird.org/content/ebird ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds. Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them. Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( http://www.seaandsageaudubon.org/ ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA -- Ryan Winkleman Rancho Santa Margarita |
The grosbeak returned to the east side of the island about 30 minutes ago. It flew SE and could not be relocated. But this has been at least the second time it came to this area, so it may return here. Edana Salisbury Buena Park and possibly autocorrected incorrectly .... toggle quoted message Show quoted text |
Here's a video clip:https://youtu.be/RyMSm2x4qaU -- Lam-Son Vinh Huntington Beach, CA |
A Rose-breasted Grosbeak was seen at 10:15am at the East end of the Island in HCP-East.
Lam-Son Vinh
Huntington Beach, CA |
RBA * California * Orange County * March 2, 2023 * CAOC23.03.02 This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... . BIRDS MENTIONED White-winged Scoter Pink-footed Shearwater Lewiss Woodpecker Hammonds Flycatcher Brown-crested Flycatcher Tropical Kingbird Brown Creeper Mountain Bluebird Townsend's Solitaire Varied Thrush Clay-colored Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Black-and-White Warbler American Redstart Northern Parula Chestnut-sided Warbler Rose-breasted Grosbeak A WHITE-WINGED SCOTER was seen flying offshore on February 28. A PINK-FOOTED SHEARWATER was observed offshore on February 28. A LEWISS WOODPECKER continued at Irvine Regional Park in Orange around Parking Lot Q through March 2. A HAMMOND'S FLYCATCHER was at Gilman Park in Fullerton from February 23 through February 27. The BROWN-CRESTED FLYCATCHER continued at the Chrisanta Drive spot in Mission Viejo through March 2. A TROPICAL KINGBIRD continued in the oil field area below Overlook Park in Huntington Beach through February 28. A BROWN CREEPER continued at Del Obispo Park in Dana Point on February 26, while another continued at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on February 25. MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRDS continued in the grasslands at Fairview Park in Costa Mesa through March 2, with another bird reportedly continuing in the field near the parking lot of the Muth Center at Upper Newport Bay in Newport Beach. A TOWNSENDS SOLITAIRE continued along the railroad tracks west of Chrisanta Drive in Mission Viejo on March 1. A VARIED THRUSH continued around Lots L and M at Irvine Regional Park in Orange through March 2. A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW continued at Clark Regional Park in Buena Park through March 1. An apparently new WHITE-THROATED SPARROW was found along the Salt Creek Trail in Laguna Niguel on March 1. A BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER continued at Aurora Park in Mission Viejo through February 28. An AMERICAN REDSTART continued at Laguna Niguel Regional Park in Laguna Niguel through March 2 in the vicinity of the water treatment plant. A NORTHERN PARULA continued at Del Obispo Park in Dana Point on February 26. A CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER continued in Irvine in the vegetation just east of the Costco Tire Center, behind the air stations, through February 27. An immature ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK was at Gilman Park in Fullerton on February 26. LOCAL EVENTS For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website: https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule The next San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary bird walk will take place on March 12 from 8:00am to 11:00am. The next Upper Newport Bay pontoon boat trip will be on March 15 from 8:15am to 11:30am. The next Bolsa Chica Wetlands bird walk will take place on March 16 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The next Carbon Canyon Regional Park bird walk will take place on March 19 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The next Upper Newport Bay bird walk will take place on March 26 from 8:00am to 11:00am. A bird walk will take place at Caspers Wilderness Park on March 31 from 8:00am to 11:00am. BIRDING WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES Bill Clark will host an introductory raptor workshop from March 4-5 (THIS WEEKEND) and an intermediate/advanced workshop from March 11-12. You can sign up with the form here: https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/RaptorID-workshop.pdf . **************************************************** The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( http://ebird.org/content/ebird ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds. Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them. Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( http://www.seaandsageaudubon.org/ ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA -- Ryan Winkleman Rancho Santa Margarita |
Hi all, There was a nonbreeding female Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Gilman Park in Fullerton that we spotted at 3:30pm at (33.9025323, -117.8783303). It first was sitting in a eucalyptus at the coordinates where it then moved east over the span of a few trees until we lost it. We spent about 20 minutes after that trying to refind it with no luck.
Happy Birding, Cadeo Scott-Schipper Fullerton |
RBA * California * Orange County * January 5, 2023 * CAOC23.01.05 This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... . BIRDS MENTIONED *MEXICAN DUCK* Bald Eagle *SNOWY OWL* Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Lewiss Woodpecker Brown-crested Flycatcher Tropical Kingbird Plumbeous Vireo Mountain Bluebird Townsends Solitaire Grasshopper Sparrow Clay-colored Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Vesper Sparrow Swamp Sparrow Green-tailed Towhee Ovenbird Black-and-White Warbler American Redstart Northern Parula Hermit Warbler Black-throated Green Warbler Rose-breasted Grosbeak The presumed *MEXICAN DUCK* was reported continuing at Carr Park in Huntington Beach through January 4. A BALD EAGLE continued at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach all week, with another (or the same) at Huntington Central Park, Carr Park and Newport Back Bay through January 4. By far the most surprising bird in Orange County in years, a *SNOWY OWL* was first brought to birder attention on December 26 sitting on a rooftop in the City of Cypress. It has continued through January 5. It is presumably the same bird that was in San Pedro on November 12. It has been observed sitting on rooftops around Pitcairn, Saipan, Tokelau, Onyx, and Reefton Streets. A YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER was reported at Carbon Canyon Regional Park in Brea on December 31. A LEWISS WOODPECKER continued at Irvine Regional Park in Orange through January 4. The BROWN-CRESTED FLYCATCHER continued at the Chrisanta Drive spot in Mission Viejo through January 4. A TROPICAL KINGBIRD continued at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine through January 1 with another bird reported at Bolsa Chica Wetlands in Huntington Beach on January 2. A PLUMBEOUS VIREO was at North Lake in Irvine on December 3, with another bird reported from Westminster Memorial Park in Westminster on January 2. MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRDS continued at Fairview Park in Costa Mesa through January 4. A TOWNSENDS SOLITAIRE was at Irvine Regional Park in Orange on January 1. A GRASSHOPPER SPARROW was at the Olinda Oil Museum and Trail in Brea on December 31. A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW continued at Ralph B. Clark Regional Park in Buena Park on January 1. WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS were found in the last week at Dana Woods Park in Dana Point through January 4, Pacific View Memorial Park in Newport Beach on January 2, Panorama Nature Preserve in Fullerton on December 31 and at Craig Regional Park in Fullerton on December 31. Two VESPER SPARROWS were at Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station in Seal Beach on January 2. A SWAMP SPARROW was at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on January 2 and continued through January 4. A GREEN-TAILED TOWHEE continued at Harriett Wieder Regional Park in Huntington Beach through January 3. Another bird was reported from Talbert Regional Park (south) in Costa Mesa on January 2. An OVENBIRD continued in the southeast corner of the fenced portion of the Urban Forest in Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach through January 2. Another bird was reported from Irvine Regional Park in Orange on January 4. Seen on the east end of the park. A BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER continued on the east side of Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach through January 2. An AMERICAN REDSTART was at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on January 4. A NORTHERN PARULA continued at Estancia Park in Costa Mesa through January 3. Another bird was found at Sycamore Creek Trail in Dana Point on January 1. A HERMIT WARBLER was at Twila Reid Park in Anaheim on January 2. A BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER continued at Estancia Park in Costa Mesa through January 4. An immature male ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK was at Mason Regional Park in Irvine on January 2. Another male bird was at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on January 2. LOCAL EVENTS For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website: https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule The next San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary bird walk will take place on January 8 from 8:00am to noon. Meet at the Audubon House. The next Carbon Canyon Regional Park bird walk will take place on January 15 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The next Upper Newport Bay pontoon trip is on January 18 from 8:15am to 11:30am but is currently full. BIRDING WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES None beginning anytime soon. **************************************************** The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( http://ebird.org/content/ebird ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds. Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them. Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( http://www.seaandsageaudubon.org/ ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA -- Jeff Bray Irvine, CA |
RBA * California * Orange County * December 29, 2022 * CAOC22.12.29 This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... . BIRDS MENTIONED *MEXICAN DUCK* Little Blue Heron Cattle Egret Bald Eagle *SNOWY OWL* Lewiss Woodpecker Brown-crested Flycatcher Tropical Kingbird Sage Thrasher Mountain Bluebird Townsends Solitaire Varied Thrush Clay-colored Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Ovenbird Black-and-White Warbler Tennessee Warbler Northern Parula Black-throated Green Warbler Rose-breasted Grosbeak The presumed *MEXICAN DUCK* was reported continuing at Carr Park in Huntington Beach through December 29. Four PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVERS continued at Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach on December 23. A LITTLE BLUE HERON was reported to be continuing at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve on December 27. A CATTLE EGRET was photographed on Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach on December 23. A BALD EAGLE was at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach all week, with another (or the same) at Huntington Central Park on December 28. By far the most surprising bird in Orange County in years, a *SNOWY OWL* was first brought to birder attention on December 26 sitting on a rooftop in the City of Cypress. It has continued through December 29 and evidently has been present at this location potentially as early as December 12. It is presumably the same bird that was in San Pedro on November 12. It has been observed sitting on rooftops around Pitcairn, Saipan, Tokelau, and Onyx Streets. This is a CBRC review species and the CBRC will have the ultimate authority on whether this record is accepted for the State of California, which may or may not happen due to questionable origin/unknown provenance. Their decision will also determine whether this species is accepted on Orange Countys checklist of birds. This will not, however, determine whether individual birders accept this on their ABA life lists, if they have them. This will be an individual decision for every person who sees this bird and keeps an ABA list, but like the Mexican Duck above, if not accepted by the CBRC I will not be adding it to OCs checklist. A LEWISS WOODPECKER continued at Irvine Regional Park in Orange through December 27. The BROWN-CRESTED FLYCATCHER continued at the Chrisanta Drive spot in Mission Viejo through December 28. A TROPICAL KINGBIRD continued at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine through December 27. A SAGE THRASHER was reported from Chino Hills State Park on December 25. MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRDS continued at Fairview Park in Costa Mesa through December 25, with others continuing in the field next to the parking lot at the Upper Newport Bay Muth Center in Newport Beach also on December 25. A TOWNSENDS SOLITAIRE continued along the railroad tracks south of Chrisanta Drive in Mission Viejo through December 24, with another found at the eastern playground at Irvine Regional Park in Orange on December 27. Two VARIED THRUSHES were at Irvine Regional Park in Orange on December 26 and December 27. A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW continued at Ralph B. Clark Regional Park in Buena Park on December 24. WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS were found in the last week at Dana Woods Park in Dana Point on December 23, continuing through December 28, and in the University Hills neighborhood in Irvine on December 24. An OVENBIRD continued in the southeast corner of the fenced portion of the Urban Forest in Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach through December 28. A NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH continued north of the library at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on December 28. A BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER continued on the east side of Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on December 23. A TENNESSEE WARBLER continued on the Sycamore Creek Trail in Dana Point on December 23. A NORTHERN PARULA continued at Del Obispo Park in Dana Point through December 26, where it seems to favor the oak and tipu trees by the leg over exercise station. Another was found at Estancia Park in Costa Mesa on December 25. A BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER continued at Estancia Park in Costa Mesa through December 27. An immature male ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK continued at a bird feeder on the east side of Chrisanta Drive in Mission Viejo through December 24, with another in residential Laguna Canyon on December 24. LOCAL EVENTS For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website: https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule The next San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary bird walk will take place on January 8 from 8:00am to noon. Meet at the Audubon House. The next Carbon Canyon Regional Park bird walk will take place on January 15 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The next Upper Newport Bay pontoon trip is on January 18 from 8:15am to 11:30am but is currently full. The annual Christmas Bird Counts (CBCs) have been scheduled for December and January. The Chino Puente-Hills CBC is on December 31, and the Coastal CBC is on January 2. Reach out to Darrell Wilson, Sam Bressler, or Bettina Eastman, respectively, if interested in any of these counts. BIRDING WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES None beginning anytime soon. **************************************************** The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( http://ebird.org/content/ebird ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds. Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them. Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( http://www.seaandsageaudubon.org/ ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA -- Ryan Winkleman Rancho Santa Margarita |
RBA * California * Orange County * December 23, 2022 * CAOC22.12.23 This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... . BIRDS MENTIONED *MEXICAN DUCK* White-winged Scoter Black Scoter Pacific Golden-Plover Neotropic Cormorant Bald Eagle Zone-tailed Hawk Lewiss Woodpecker Brown-crested Flycatcher Tropical Kingbird Plumbeous Vireo Mountain Bluebird Townsends Solitaire Grasshopper Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Vesper Sparrow Baltimore Oriole Ovenbird Black-and-White Warbler Tennessee Warbler Northern Parula Black-throated Green Warbler Rose-breasted Grosbeak The presumed *MEXICAN DUCK* continued at Carr Park in Huntington Beach through December 21. Note that this bird has still not been accepted by the CBRC, so until it is accepted it technically is not considered valid on the OC list of countable birds. A WHITE-WINGED SCOTER was photographed off of Bolsa Chica State Beach on December 22. An adult male BLACK SCOTER continued off of Bolsa Chica State Beach on December 20. A PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER continued at Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach on December 17. An adult NEOTROPIC CORMORANT was reported to be continuing at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine on December 19. BALD EAGLES were at Upper Newport Bay and Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve on December 20 and December 16, respectively. A ZONE-TAILED HAWK was reported flying over Ralph B. Clark Regional Park in Buena Park on December 17. A LEWISS WOODPECKER continued at Irvine Regional Park in Orange through December 21, while as many as four were seen in the restricted Limestone Canyon area on December 18. The BROWN-CRESTED FLYCATCHER continued at the Chrisanta Drive spot in Mission Viejo through December 22. A TROPICAL KINGBIRD continued at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine through December 18. A PLUMBEOUS VIREO was photographed at the playground in Sycamore Park in Mission Viejo on December 22. Two MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRDS continued on the Puma Ridge Trail at Irvine Regional Park in Orange on December 18. Up to 11 were reported at Fairview Park in Costa Mesa this week, and two were reported in the field next to the parking lot at the Upper Newport Bay Muth Center in Newport Beach on December 20. One was in Silverado Canyon on December 18 and another 10 were at Irvine Lake on the same date. A TOWNSENDS SOLITAIRE along the railroad tracks south of Chrisanta Drive in Mission Viejo continued through December 20. A GRASSHOPPER SPARROW continued at my favorite spot in Orange County, Bommer Canyon in Irvine, on December 21. Another continued at Irvine Regional Park in Orange on December 18. WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS were found in the last week at Harriett Wieder Regional Park in Huntington Beach on December 16, at the Harding Canyon Trail in Modjeska Canyon on December 18, and in Limestone Canyon on December 18. Four VESPER SPARROWS were on the Puma Ridge Trail at Irvine Regional Park in Orange on December 18, with another continuing on the same date in the O'Neill Regional Park Wilderness in Rancho Santa Margarita. New birds included one at Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach in Seal Beach on December 17 and one in Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park in Foothill Ranch on December 18, at the southern end of the Live Oak Trail off of Glenn Ranch Road. An adult male BALTIMORE ORIOLE continued at the nature center at Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley through December 17. An OVENBIRD was in the southeast corner of the fenced portion of the Urban Forest in Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on December 22. A BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER continued on the east side of Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on December 17. TENNESSEE WARBLERS were reported in the last week in residential Laguna Niguel on December 17, at the edge of Del Obispo Park and the Sycamore Creek Trail in Dana Point on December 20, and at Veeh Ranch Park on December 18. A NORTHERN PARULA continued at Del Obispo Park in Dana Point through December 20, where it seems to favor the oak and tipu trees by the leg over exercise station. A BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER proved to be extremely popular at Estancia Park from December 18 through December 22, where it was last found in the tipu trees along Adams. An immature male ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK has been hanging around a bird feeder on the east side of Chrisanta Drive in Mission Viejo from December 19 through December 22. LOCAL EVENTS For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website: https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule The next San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary bird walk will take place on January 8 from 8:00am to noon. Meet at the Audubon House. The next Carbon Canyon Regional Park bird walk will take place on January 15 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The next Upper Newport Bay pontoon trip is on January 18 from 8:15am to 11:30am but is currently full. The annual Christmas Bird Counts (CBCs) have been scheduled for December and January. The San Juan Capistrano CBC is on December 26, the Chino Puente-Hills CBC is on December 31, and the Coastal CBC is on January 2. Reach out to Darrell Wilson, Sam Bressler, or Bettina Eastman, respectively, if interested in any of these counts. BIRDING WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES None beginning anytime soon. **************************************************** The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( http://ebird.org/content/ebird ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds. Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them. Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( http://www.seaandsageaudubon.org/ ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA -- Ryan Winkleman Rancho Santa Margarita |
The Rose-breasted Grosbeak continues at Chrisanta Rrive Riparian, at a backyard feeder here, can be seen from here:
(33.6050871, -117.6728912)
Braxton Landsman(BAL Land from eBird)
Ladera Ranch
Contact me at:
balbhl@... |
RBA * California * Orange County * October 6, 2022 * CAOC22.10.06 This is the Orange County, CA weekly Rare Bird Alert (RBA) and local events summary. California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species are capitalized and marked with asterisks below. All documentation of review species should be forwarded to the CBRC secretary, Tom Benson, at secretary@... . BIRDS MENTIONED Red-necked Grebe Pacific Golden-Plover Bairds Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Red-footed Booby Little Blue Heron Tropical Kingbird Plumbeous Vireo Bank Swallow Brown Creeper Clay-colored Sparrow Baltimore Oriole Northern Waterthrush Tennessee Warbler Lucys Warbler Virginias Warbler American Redstart Magnolia Warbler Blackburnian Warbler Chestnut-sided Warbler Blackpoll Warbler Rose-breasted Grosbeak A RED-NECKED GREBE was photographed off the Newport Pier in Newport Beach on October 2. A PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER was reported from the walkbridge area of Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach on October 2. Two BAIRDS SANDPIPERS were photographed at Salt Creek in Laguna Niguel (or wherever Salt Creek is) on October 6. PECTORAL SANDPIPERS continued at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine through October 3. Another two birds were on the backside of Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach on October 6. A RED-FOOTED BOOBY was photographed off the Newport Pier in Newport Beach on October 5. An adult LITTLE BLUE HERON continued at Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Huntington Beach through October 5, where it was last seen in the pocket pond and tidal gate area. A presumed TROPICAL KINGBIRD was photographed in a Peruvian pepper tree somewhere in Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley on September 30. PLUMBEOUS VIREOS were at Harvard Community Park in Irvine between Fields 1 and 7 on September 30 and October 1 and at Sycamore Park in Irvine on October 5 and 6. A BANK SWALLOW was present at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine at least on September 30, although they continue to be reported on an unusually regular basis. A BROWN CREEPER was on a sweetgum tree by the island at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on October 5. A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW was at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on October 2, with another around the Nature Center at Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley on October 5 and 6. An adult male BALTIMORE ORIOLE was photographed around the Nature Center at Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley on October 5 and 6. A NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH continued at Arroyo Park in Newport Beach through October 2. TENNESSEE WARBLERS were throughout the county this week, including one continuing at Gilman Park in Fullerton through October 5, at least one if not more continuing in the Jack Green Nature Area through October 6, and one in residential Laguna Niguel on October 6. A LUCYS WARBLER continued in the Fertile Crescent at Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley through October 2. A VIRGINIAS WARBLER continued at Gilman Park in Fullerton through September 30. An AMERICAN REDSTART was in residential Huntington Beach on October 1. A MAGNOLIA WARBLER was bouncing around the northeastern area (Fertile Crescent, Palm Island vicinity) of Mile Square Regional Park in Fountain Valley on October 2. A BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER was at Gilman Park in Fullerton from September 30 to October 5. A CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER was at Gilman Park in Fullerton from September 30 to October 5. Another was reported in the trees south of the bandstand at Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach on October 6. A BLACKPOLL WARBLER was photographed on the North Lake Island at North Lake (Woodbridge Lake) in Irvine on October 6. An immature male ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK was at Arroyo Park in Newport Beach on September 30. LOCAL EVENTS For a complete up-to-date list of current field trips, please visit the webpage on Sea and Sages website: https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule The next bird walk at San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine will take place on October 9 from 8:00am to 11:00am. The next Dana Point Harbor bird walk will be on October 14 from 8:00am to 11:00am. The next bird walk at Anaheim Coves in Anaheim will take place on October 16 from 8:00am to 12:00pm. The next Upper Newport Bay pontoon boat trip will be on October 19 from 8:15am to 11:30am but is currently full. The next Upper Newport Bay bird walk will take place on October 30 from 8:00am to 11:00am. BIRDING WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES Sylvia Gallaghers Birds of Southern California introductory visual workshop began this week. Refer here for more info: https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/birding-classes/#Intro2022 . **************************************************** The Orange County RBA and events summary is produced weekly by Ryan Winkleman and Jeff Bray in collaboration with Doug Willick. Sightings of rare birds can be posted to the OrangeCountyBirding listserv, emailed directly to Jeff Bray ( jbray3928@... ) and/or Ryan Winkleman ( rswinkleman@... ), and/or submitted to eBird ( http://ebird.org/content/ebird ). Any supporting details (descriptions, photos, audio recordings, etc.) of rare sightings that are not already disclosed on the listserv or on eBird should also be emailed to Ryan Winkleman separately for consideration to be mentioned in the current quarterly report for North American Birds. Those sightings that are included in this summary generally include those that are considered rare (regionally or seasonally) for Orange County based on "The Birds of Orange County: Status and Distribution" (Hamilton and Willick), "Birds of Southern California" (Garrett and Dunn), and/or more contemporary changes in local or regional status and distribution. Rarities that regularly or seasonally occur at a particular location, such as annually wintering rarities on Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, may or may not be included in this digest, but reports of these same species occurring at other, atypical locations throughout the county may be included. We don't include hybrids, subspecies, introduced or exotic birds, or in most cases and for no real reason, geese. All bird reports are vetted to the extent possible prior to each publication, but in the interest of sharing information, the accuracy of any given report cannot always be guaranteed, nor can the presence of any given bird for those who choose to chase after them. Information on upcoming local events is taken largely from the Sea and Sage Audubon website ( http://www.seaandsageaudubon.org/ ). Sea and Sage Audubon is based out of the Audubon House at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine. They sponsor a number of public field trips, special birding events, conservation lectures, and social gatherings throughout the year. Information regarding upcoming local events should be considered accurate at the time of this posting. However, for the most current information please refer to the field trip list on the Sea and Sage Audubon website at https://wp.seaandsageaudubon.org/home-sas/field-trip-2/#FTSchedule . It is also recommended that you refer to that website immediately prior to engaging in any field trip to confirm that trips are still occurring. If you know of additional upcoming events that are not sponsored directly by Sea and Sage Audubon, please email Ryan Winkleman and/or Jeff Bray for inclusion. #RBA -- Ryan Winkleman Rancho Santa Margarita |
v1.35 - 11/22/22 - Finally rewrote code to handle new Groups.IO web structure v1.30 - 01/05/16 - Revamped cloud logic, optimized database queries, linked to eBird rarities. v1.23 - 12/08/11 - Added direct link to CBRC records. v1.22 - 12/03/11 - Corrected GMT offsets on dates. Added last 5 posts at top. v1.21 - 11/24/11 - Added direct link to range map for NA birds. v1.2 - 11/23/11 - Greatly improved graphing technology - separates month vs. year by posts. Added species auto-complete functionality. v1.14 - 11/22/11 - Added cloud bubble for common thread topics. v1.13 - 11/22/11 - Added integrated photos where available. v1.12 - 11/22/11 - Added multiple input boxes for additional refinement, negative search criteria (eg. -keyword). v1.11 - 11/22/11 - Added banding code, species look-up. Also direct link to recent eBird observations. v1.1 - 11/22/11 - Added 'date' functionality. Shows top 'month/year' combinations for a query. Restrict results to that 'month/year'. v1.0 - 11/21/11 - Initial version coded. Currently archiving 'lacobirds' and 'calbirds'.