Location: Salton Sea - Unit 1, CAGPS: 33.1N, -115.7W, elev=-212' MAP Date: November 28, 2010 ID : B13K4993 [4896 x 3264]

Location: Salton Sea - Unit 1, CAGPS: 33.1N, -115.7W, elev=-212' MAP Date: November 28, 2010 ID : B13K5002 [4896 x 3264]

Location: Salton Sea, CAGPS: 33.2N, -115.6W, elev=-232' MAP Date: November 23, 2010 ID : B13K4498 [4896 x 3264]

Location: Bosque del Apache, NMGPS: 33.8N, -106.9W, elev=4,517' MAP Date: December 14, 2007 ID : 0652 [3888 x 2592]
Location: Bosque del Apache, NMGPS: 33.8N, -106.9W, elev=4,517' MAP Date: December 14, 2007 ID : 8252 [3888 x 2592]

The Ross's Goose (Chen rossii or Anser rossii) is a North American species of goose.
The American Ornithologists' Union places this species and the other two "white" geese in the genus Chen rather than the more traditional "grey" goose genus Anser.
This goose breeds in northern Canada and winters much further south in the continent in the southern USA and occasionally northern Mexico.
The plumage of this species is white except for black wing tips. It is similar in appearance to a white-phase Snow Goose but approximately 40% smaller. Other differences from the Snow Goose are that Ross's bill is smaller in proportion to its body and lacks "black lips". The dark phase is extremely rare.
The Ross's Goose is a rare vagrant to Western Europe, but it is commonly kept in wildfowl collections and so the true frequency of wild birds is hard to ascertain.