Location: Los Angeles, CAGPS: 34.1N, -118.2W, elev=281' MAP Date: April 9, 2020 ID : 7C2V8801 [3888 x 2592]

Location: Los Angeles, CAGPS: 34.1N, -118.2W, elev=281' MAP Date: April 9, 2020 ID : 7C2V8816 [3888 x 2592]

Location: Los Angeles, CAGPS: 34.1N, -118.2W, elev=281' MAP Date: April 9, 2020 ID : 7C2V8802 [3888 x 2592]

Location: Magee Marsh (Crane Creek), OHGPS: 41.6N, -83.2W, elev=573' MAP Date: May 11, 2013 ID : B13K3278 [4896 x 3264]

Location: Magee Marsh (Crane Creek), OHGPS: 41.6N, -83.2W, elev=573' MAP Date: May 9, 2010 ID : 7C2V7933 [3888 x 2592]
Location: California Gulch, AZGPS: 31.4N, -111.2W, elev=3,689' MAP Date: August 23, 2008 ID : 7C2V7512 [3888 x 2592]

Location: Magee Marsh (Crane Creek), OHGPS: 41.6N, -83.2W, elev=573' MAP Date: May 6, 2012 ID : B13K4778 [4896 x 3264]

Location: California Gulch, AZGPS: 31.4N, -111.2W, elev=3,689' MAP Date: August 23, 2008 ID : 7C2V7506 [3888 x 2592]
Location: Magee Marsh (Crane Creek), OHGPS: 41.6N, -83.2W, elev=573' MAP Date: May 10, 2008 ID : 1068 [3888 x 2592]

Location: Magee Marsh (Crane Creek), OHGPS: 41.6N, -83.2W, elev=573' MAP Date: May 10, 2008 ID : 1071 [3888 x 2592]
Location: Magee Marsh (Crane Creek), OHGPS: 41.6N, -83.2W, elev=573' MAP Date: May 10, 2008 ID : 1074 [3888 x 2592]

Location: De Forest Park, CA Date: September 26, 2007 ID : 2524 [3888 x 2592]
Location: De Forest Park, CA Date: September 26, 2007 ID : 2535 [3888 x 2592]

Location: De Forest Park, CA Date: September 26, 2007 ID : 2540 [3888 x 2592]

The Nashville Warbler, Vermivora ruficapilla, is a small songbird in the New World warbler family.
They have olive-brown upperparts, a white belly and a yellow throat and breast; they have a white eye ring, no wing bars and a thin pointed bill. Adult males have a grey head with a rusty crown patch (often not visible); females and immature birds have a duller olive-grey head.
Nashville warblers breed in open mixed woods and bog habitats in Canada and the northeastern and western United States of America. They conceal their open cup-shaped nests on the ground under shrubs.
They migrate to southernmost Texas, Mexico and Central America in winter.
They forage in the lower parts of trees and shrubs, frequently flicking their tails; these birds mainly eat insects.
The song of the eastern (typical) race of the Nashville warbler consists of a rapid seewit-seewit-seewit-ti-ti-ti. Males sing from open perches on the nesting territory. The call sounds like a high seet. Western birds, of the race ridgwayi, have a slightly lower-pitched, richer song, and a sharper call note.
Although named after Nashville, Tennessee, the Nashville warbler only visits that area during migration.
The Nashville Warbler is closely related to Virginia's Warbler, Lucy's Warbler and Colima Warbler, the four sharing generally similar plumage.